武 雷,孙 远,杨 威,康 强,万志明
WU L,SUN Y,YANG W,et al.Improving Techniques and Experimental Study of Interlayer Bonding Strength of 3D Printed Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(7):1-6.
武 雷,孙 远,杨 威,康 强,万志明
WU L,SUN Y,YANG W,et al.Improving Techniques and Experimental Study of Interlayer Bonding Strength of 3D Printed Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(7):1-6.
摘 要:应用RPZ2000型极坐标系3D打印机打印了多组混凝土立方体试件和长方体试件,研究了层间涂抹不同界面剂情况下对3D打印混凝土试件抗压强度与抗折强度的影响。试验结果表明,层间黏结强度的大小对3D打印混凝土试块的抗压强度影响较大,对抗折强度影响较小。水泥膨浆对3D打印混凝土具有良好的补偿收缩性,改性丙烯酸乳浆次之,水泥净浆和粉煤灰水泥净浆对打印试件的整体抗压强度提升效果一般。改性丙烯酸乳浆对打印试件整体的抗折强度提升最好,水泥膨浆次之,水泥净浆和粉煤灰水泥净浆对抗折强度几乎无任何影响。
Abstract: RPZ2000 polar coordinate system 3D printer was used to print multiple sets of concrete cube specimens and cuboid test pieces. The compressive strength of printed concrete specimens with different interface agents were applied between the layers was studied. The test results show that the strength of the interlayer bonding has a greater impact on the compressive strength of the printed concrete test block and a smaller effect on the flexural strength. Cement expansion slurry has good shrinkage compensation for 3D printed concrete, followed by modified acrylic emulsion, and cement slurry and fly ash cement slurry generally improve the overall compressive strength of printed specimens. The modified acrylic latex has the best improvement in the overall flexural strength of the printed specimens, followed by cement expansion slurry, and the flexural strength of cement slurry and fly ash cement slurry almost has no effect.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州