邓剑涛1,袁 涛2,邓成河1
DENG J T,YUAN T,DENG C H.Research and Application on the Beaded Connector for the Precast Concrete Piles[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(3):40-42.
邓剑涛1,袁 涛2,邓成河1
DENG J T,YUAN T,DENG C H.Research and Application on the Beaded Connector for the Precast Concrete Piles[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(3):40-42.
摘 要:为提高预应力混凝土管桩的连接质量和施工速度,研制了一种新型预应力混凝土管桩用套珠式连接器,阐述了其结构原理,并通过力学试验,验证了其力学性能满足相关标准要求。此外,结合工程应用,介绍了该连接器的安装和施工工序,具有安全可靠、连接快捷等优点。
Abstract: In order to improve the connection quality and construction speed of precast concrete piles, a new type of beaded connector for the concrete piles was developed, and the structure principle was described. The mechanical test results show that its mechanical properties can meet the requirements of relevant standards. In addition, combined with the engineering application, the installation and construction process of the connector are introduced and shows the advantages of safety, reliability and fast connection.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州