赵 杨,孙海燕,龚爱民,王福来,陈 晨,梅 伟
ZHAO Y,SUN H Y,GONG A M,et al.Effect of PVA Fiber on the Erosion Resistance of Cement Mortar[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(3):62-65.
赵 杨,孙海燕,龚爱民,王福来,陈 晨,梅 伟
ZHAO Y,SUN H Y,GONG A M,et al.Effect of PVA Fiber on the Erosion Resistance of Cement Mortar[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(3):62-65.
摘 要:研究了不同掺量PVA纤维水泥胶砂经浓度为10 000 mg/L和30 000 mg/L的硫酸钠溶液侵蚀后的抗压强度和抗折强度变化规律,并以抗折抗蚀系数为指标评价了碱环境下PVA纤维对水泥胶砂抗侵蚀性能的影响。结果表明:随PVA纤维体积掺量的增加,水泥胶砂拌和物的流动度逐渐减小;经硫酸钠溶液侵蚀后,各组试件的力学性能和抗折抗蚀系数均有不同程度降低,高浓度和长侵蚀龄期对水泥胶砂的抗侵蚀性能影响较显著;对比基准组,掺入PVA纤维可有效提高水泥胶砂的力学性能和抗折抗蚀系数,且PVA纤维体积掺量为0.2%时效果最好。
Abstract: The changes of compressive strength and flexural strength of different amounts of PVA fiber cement mortar after being eroded by sodium sulfate solutions with concentrations of 10 000 mg/L and 30 000 mg/L were studied, and the flexural resistance coefficient was taken as an indicator to evaluate the influence of PVA fiber on the corrosion resistance of cement mortar under alkaline environment. The results show that the fluidity of cement mortar mixture decreases gradually with increasing PVA fiber volume dosages. The mechanical properties and flexural resistance coefficient of the specimen are reduced to different degrees after being eroded by sodium sulfate solution. High concentration and long erosion age have a significant impact on the flexural resistance coefficient of cement mortar. Compared with the reference group, the addition of PVA fiber can effectively improve the mechanical properties and flexural resistance coefficient of cement mortar, and the optimal volume dosage of PVA fiber is 0.2%.
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