YIN Q X,ZHAO W P,HOU M J,et al.Experimental Research on the Corrosion Resistance of Silica Fume to Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(4):23-26.
YIN Q X,ZHAO W P,HOU M J,et al.Experimental Research on the Corrosion Resistance of Silica Fume to Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(4):23-26.
摘 要:为了探究硅灰掺量对酸性环境下混凝土耐久性的影响,以一定浓度的硫酸溶液作为腐蚀介质,研究了硅灰掺量分别为0、5%、10%和15%的混凝土试样随腐蚀时间的变化规律。结果表明:随着腐蚀时间的延长,试样均经历从“返霜”到严重破坏的过程,但硅灰的掺入能较好地保持腐蚀过程中试样的完整性;硅灰的掺入可有效减小腐蚀过程中抗压强度的损失,但其掺量的改变对试样抗压强度损失的影响并不显著;随着腐蚀时间的增加,试样质量均呈先增加后减小的变化趋势,但硅灰的掺入提升了附着物的附着速率;硅灰能有效抑制混凝土强度退化深度的增加,硅灰掺量为10%时抑制效果最明显。
Abstract: In order to explore the influence of silica fume content on the durability of concrete in acidic environment, sulfuric acid solution with a certain concentration was used as the corrosion medium to study the influence with silica fume content of 0, 5%, 10% and 15% with corrosion time. The results show that with the increase of sulfuric acid solution corrosion time, the samples show a process from“frost” to serious damage, but the addition of silica fume can ensure the integrity of the samples in the corrosion process. The addition of silica fume can effectively reduce the loss of compressive strength in the corrosion period, but the change of silica fume content has no obvious effect on the loss of compressive strength of the sample. With the increase of corrosion time, the sample has no obvious effect on the loss of compressive strength. However, the addition of silica fume can effectively inhibit the increase of concrete strength degradation depth, and the sample with 10% silica fume content is the most obvious.
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