张天宇1 ,王 亮2,李秋义1,2
ZHANG T Y,WANG L,LI Q Y.Effect of Low-alkaline Electrolyzed Water on the Performance of Fly Ash Mortar[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTES,2021(5):11-15.
张天宇1 ,王 亮2,李秋义1,2
ZHANG T Y,WANG L,LI Q Y.Effect of Low-alkaline Electrolyzed Water on the Performance of Fly Ash Mortar[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTES,2021(5):11-15.
摘 要:采用pH值为9.5的低碱性电解水制备粉煤灰砂浆,通过对比不同粉煤灰掺量条件下,低碱性电解水粉煤灰砂浆(EM)和普通自来水粉煤灰砂浆(OM)的工作性及力学性能,研究了低碱性电解水对粉煤灰砂浆性能的影响。结果表明:EM的工作性优于OM;控制流动度在(210±5)mm时,各组粉煤灰掺量的EM单位用水量均小于OM;低碱性电解水能够提高粉煤灰砂浆的强度,还能激发粉煤灰的早期活性效应,从而提高粉煤灰砂浆的早期强度,EM的早期抗压强度发展速率较OM提高了11.7%。
Abstract: The low-alkaline electrolyzed water with pH of 9.5 was used as the mixing water to prepare fly ash mortar, and the effect of low-alkaline electrolyzed water on the performance of fly ash mortar was researched by comparing the workability and the mechanical properties of low-alkaline electrolyzed water fly ash mortar (EM) and the ordinary fly ash mortar (OM) with different fly ash contents. The results show that the workability of EM preceds that of the OM. The unit water consumption of EM is less than that of OM with the fluidity (210±5)mm. The low-alkaline electrolyzed water can improve the strength of fly ash mortar. Electrolyzed water can stimulate the early activity and improve the early curing age strength of fly ash mortar, during the early curing age,the compressive strength improvement rate of EM is 11.7% higher than that of OM.
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