李 秀1,朱红兵2,韩 帅2
LI X,ZHU H B,HAN S.Ultimate Bearing Capacity Calculation Formula of Micro-expansive Ceramsite Concrete Steel Tubular Short Column Under Axial Compression[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTES,2021(5):76-79.
李 秀1,朱红兵2,韩 帅2
LI X,ZHU H B,HAN S.Ultimate Bearing Capacity Calculation Formula of Micro-expansive Ceramsite Concrete Steel Tubular Short Column Under Axial Compression[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTES,2021(5):76-79.
摘 要:以陶粒混凝土中的膨胀剂掺量(0、4%、8%、12%)和钢管壁厚(含钢率)为变量,制作了12组(24根)短柱,进行了轴压试验。结果表明:在本试验的膨胀剂掺量范围内,圆钢管微膨胀陶粒混凝土短柱试件的轴压承载力随膨胀剂掺量的增大而逐渐提高;根据试验结果建立了考虑膨胀剂掺量的受圆钢管约束微膨胀陶粒混凝土的强度准则计算公式,进而推导出了考虑膨胀剂掺量的圆钢管微膨胀陶粒混凝土短柱的极限承载力公式。
Abstract: Taking the expansive agent content(0、4%、8%、12%) in ceramsite concrete and the steel tube(steel ratio) thickness as variables, 12 groups of micro-expansive ceramsite concrete steel tubular(MECCST) short columns(24 specimens) were made, and the axial compression test was carried out. The results show that within the range of the expansion agent content in this experiment, the higher the expansion agent content, the higher the bearing capacity of the MECCST specimens. The formula for strength criterion of micro-expansive ceramsite concrete confined by steel tube which considering the expansive agent content is established by using the test datas, and the ultimate bearing capacity formula of MECCST short columns considering expansive agent content is deduced.
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