刘桂凤1,朱 鼎1,陈正发1,张华娣1,李 岩2
LIU G F,ZHU D,CHEN Z F,et al.Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reactive Powder Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(8):5-9.
刘桂凤1,朱 鼎1,陈正发1,张华娣1,李 岩2
LIU G F,ZHU D,CHEN Z F,et al.Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reactive Powder Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(8):5-9.
摘 要:选择三种养护方式(标准养护、80 ℃热水养护、洒水养护)、设置5种碳纳米管掺量(0、0.05%、0.10%、0.15%、0.20%),研究了碳纳米管的分散性和掺量、养护方式对碳纳米管活性粉末混凝土力学性能的影响,并基于SEM测试结果对基体进行了微观分析。结果表明:经分散处理后的MWCNTs溶液的分散性和稳定性提高;相较于未分散处理的MWCNTs,MWCNTs分散液对活性粉末混凝土抗压、抗折强度的提高幅度更大;80 ℃热水养护下,当经分散处理后的MWCNTs掺量为0.10%时,MWCNTs活性粉末混凝土的抗压和抗折强度最大;标准养护和洒水养护下,当经分散处理后的MWCNTs掺量为0.15%时,MWCNTs活性粉末混凝土的抗压和抗折强度最大;SEM结果显示,胶凝材料二次水化生成了大量水化硅酸钙,减少了孔隙;碳纳米管能与基体紧密连接,阻止微裂缝的生成和扩展,起到了桥接和填充作用。
Abstract: Three kinds of curing methods(standard curing, 80 ℃ hot water curing and sprinkling curing) were selected, 5 kinds of carbon nanotube(MWCNTs) content(0, 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.15%, 0.20%)were set, the influence of the dispersibility and dosage of MWCNTs and curing methods on the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube reactive powder concrete was studied. The microstructure of matrix was characterized by SEM. The results show that the dispersion and stability of the MWCNTs solution after dispersion treatment are improved. Compared with the undispersed MWCNTs, the MWCNTs dispersion has a greater improvement in the compressive and flexural strength of reactive powder concrete. Under 80 ℃ hot water curing, when the content of dispersed MWCNTs is 0.10%, the compressive and flexural strength of MWCNTs reactive powder concrete reach the maximum. Under standard curing and sprinkling curtain curing, when the content of dispersed MWCNTs is 0.15%, the compressive and flexural strength of MWCNTs reactive powder concrete reach the maximum. SEM results show that the secondary hydration of the cementitious material produces a large amount of hydrated calcium silicate, which reduces porosity. MWCNTs can be closely connected with the matrix, preventing the formation and expansion of micro-cracks, and playing the role of bridging and filling.
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