高梦秋1,苏 悦2,杨 航1
GAO M Q,SU Y,YANG H.The Effect of Viscosity on the Performance and Construction Temperature of HPMC Permeable Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(8):14-18.
高梦秋1,苏 悦2,杨 航1
GAO M Q,SU Y,YANG H.The Effect of Viscosity on the Performance and Construction Temperature of HPMC Permeable Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(8):14-18.
摘 要:研究了羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)溶液浓度与黏度的关系和HPMC溶液黏度与其透水混凝土性能的关系,得出了满足力学性能及透水性能要求的HPMC透水混凝土施工温度条件。结果表明:HPMC溶液黏度随浓度增大而增加;HPMC透水混凝土的抗压强度随溶液黏度增加先增后减,在满足抗压强度要求的黏度区间内,其抗折强度及透水性均满足要求;在一定条件下,HPMC黏度随温度升高而减小,对具有较高黏度的HPMC透水混凝土,可通过控制其拌合物的出机温度以满足和易性要求。
Abstract: The relationship between the concentration and viscosity of HPMC, viscosity of HPMC solution permeability of concrete was studied. The temperature condition of HPMC permeable concrete construction that meet the requirements of mechanical performance and water permeability was obtained. The results show that the viscosity of HPMC solution increases with the increase of concentration. The compressive strength of HPMC permeable concrete increases first and then decreases with the increase of solution viscosity. Within the viscosity range that meets the requirements of compressive strength, its flexural strength and water permeability meet the requirements. Within the certain conditions, the HPMC viscosity decreases with the increase of temperature. For HPMC permeable concrete with higher viscosity, the exit temperature of the mixture can be controlled to ensure that the construction operation and workability are satisfied.
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