周红燕,张 耀
ZHOU H Y,ZHANG Y.Study on the Preparation and Performance of Alkali-free Liquid Accelerator[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(8):28-31,36.
周红燕,张 耀
ZHOU H Y,ZHANG Y.Study on the Preparation and Performance of Alkali-free Liquid Accelerator[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(8):28-31,36.
摘 要:以硫酸铝和三乙醇胺作为速凝剂的主体组分,掺入甘油 、氟化钠、改性乙二醇、草酸、无机酸5种调节组分配制了无碱速凝剂,确定了硫酸铝、三乙醇胺、草酸、甘油、改性乙二醇、无机酸的合理掺量。结果表明:采用制备的速凝剂可使试件的初凝时间小于5 min,终凝时间小于12 min,1 d抗压强度达到7.5 MPa,7 d抗压强度达到34.2 MPa,稳定性满足现行标准的要求。
Abstract: A alkali-free accelerator was prepared by using aluminum sulfate and triethanolamine as the main components and adding glycerin, sodium fluoride, modified ethylene glycol, oxalic acid and inorganic acid. The reasonable dosage of aluminum sulfate, triethanolamine, oxalic acid, glycerin, modified ethylene glycol and inorganic acid was determined. The results show that the specimen with prepared accelerator has an initial setting time of less than 5 min and a final setting time of less than 12 min. The 1 d compressive strength of the specimen reaches 7.5 MPa, and the 7 d compressive strength reaches 34.2 MPa, and its stability meets the requirements of current standards.
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