高玉军1,2,3,邵建冬1,2,孙 武1,2,3,李 亮4,秦明强1,2,3
GAO Yu-jun, SHAO Jian-dong, SUN Wu,et al.Development and Application of UHPC Precast Bridge Deck[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(10):42-47.
高玉军1,2,3,邵建冬1,2,孙 武1,2,3,李 亮4,秦明强1,2,3
GAO Yu-jun, SHAO Jian-dong, SUN Wu,et al.Development and Application of UHPC Precast Bridge Deck[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(10):42-47.
摘 要:为满足广州鹤洞大桥(东西引桥)大中修工程H线引桥用超高性能混凝土(UHPC)预制桥面板的设计指标要求,通过原材料优选、配合比设计及力学性能试验,研究了石英砂级配和掺量、复合掺合料掺量及内养护剂掺量对UHPC工作性和力学性能的影响,制备了各项性能指标均满足设计及施工要求的UHPC。同时,其24 h立方体抗压强度达到设计强度的70%以上,满足拆模起吊要求。
Abstact: According to the design index requirements of UHPC precast bridge deck for H-line approach bridge of Guangzhou Hedong Bridge (east-west approach bridge), through raw material optimization, mix proportion design and experimental research, the effects of quartz sand gradation and content, compound admixture content, internal curing agent content on the workability and mechanical properties of UHPC were studied. The UHPC performance can meet design and construction requirements. Meanwhile, the 24 h compressive strength is more than 70% of the design requirement, which meets the requirements of mold removal and lifting.
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