

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Influencing Factors and Research Progress on the Properties of 3D Printed Concrete
3D printed concrete; Cement; Admixture; Consistency
张敏霞1,范开均1,徐 平1,任新锋2,丁亚红1
1.河南理工大学,河南 焦作454000;2.安阳市交通运输局,河南 安阳 455000

张敏霞1,范开均1,徐 平1,任新锋2,丁亚红1


ZHANG M X,FAN K J,XU P,et al.Influencing Factors and Research Progress on the Properties of 3D Printed Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(11):18-22.

摘   要:总结分析了水泥品种、掺合料及拌和物稠度对3D打印混凝土性能的影响。对比分析了不同水泥品种以及掺合料的3D打印混凝土性能的差异,提出了不同建造工况下水泥品种、掺合料的选择方法,综述了拌和物稠度在3D打印混凝土制备中的重要作用。此外,还提出了3D打印混凝土材料在研发中所面临的问题和挑战,并对未来3D打印混凝土的研究方向进行了展望。 Abstract: The impact of cement types, admixtures and consistency of the mixture on the properties of 3D printed concrete is summarized and analyzed. The performance differences of 3D printed concrete with different types of cement and admixtures are compared and analyzed. The selection methods of cement varieties and admixtures under different construction conditions are proposed. The important role of the consistency of the mixture in the preparation of 3D printed concrete is summarized. The problems and challenges of 3D printed concrete materials in the development are also proposed, and the future research direction of 3D printed concrete is pointed out.
英文名 : Influencing Factors and Research Progress on the Properties of 3D Printed Concrete
刊期 : 2021年第11期
关键词 : 3D打印混凝土;水泥;掺合料;稠度
Key words : 3D printed concrete; Cement; Admixture; Consistency
刊期 : 2021年第11期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2021.11.018.05
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 河南省青年骨干教师资助项目项目(2017GGJS054);河南省交通运输厅项目(2019J-2-13);河南省科技攻关项目(202102310253)。
作者 : 张敏霞1,范开均1,徐 平1,任新锋2,丁亚红1
单位 : 1.河南理工大学,河南 焦作454000;2.安阳市交通运输局,河南 安阳 455000

张敏霞1,范开均1,徐 平1,任新锋2,丁亚红1


ZHANG M X,FAN K J,XU P,et al.Influencing Factors and Research Progress on the Properties of 3D Printed Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(11):18-22.


摘   要:总结分析了水泥品种、掺合料及拌和物稠度对3D打印混凝土性能的影响。对比分析了不同水泥品种以及掺合料的3D打印混凝土性能的差异,提出了不同建造工况下水泥品种、掺合料的选择方法,综述了拌和物稠度在3D打印混凝土制备中的重要作用。此外,还提出了3D打印混凝土材料在研发中所面临的问题和挑战,并对未来3D打印混凝土的研究方向进行了展望。

Abstract: The impact of cement types, admixtures and consistency of the mixture on the properties of 3D printed concrete is summarized and analyzed. The performance differences of 3D printed concrete with different types of cement and admixtures are compared and analyzed. The selection methods of cement varieties and admixtures under different construction conditions are proposed. The important role of the consistency of the mixture in the preparation of 3D printed concrete is summarized. The problems and challenges of 3D printed concrete materials in the development are also proposed, and the future research direction of 3D printed concrete is pointed out.



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ZHANG M X,FAN K J,XU P,et al.Influencing Factors and Research Progress on the Properties of 3D Printed Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(11):18-22.




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