

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Experimental Study on Circular Ultra-high Performance Concrete Products Using Centrifugal Forming
Ultra-high performance concrete(UHPC); Centrifugal forming; Precast cement product; Mix design; Aggregate content; Steel fiber content; Water-binder ratio
黄福云1,桂 奎1,林 潮2,黄 伟1,马 宇1,杨芳芳1
1.福州大学 土木工程学院,福建 福州 350108;2.福州铭林钢塔钢构制造有限公司, 福建 福州 350018

黄福云1,桂 奎1,林 潮2,黄 伟1,马 宇1,杨芳芳1


HUANG F Y,GUI K,LIN C,et al.Experimental Study on Circular Ultra-high Performance Concrete Products Using Centrifugal Forming[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(12):34-41.

摘   要:为改善环形UHPC制品离心成型质量问题,试验研究了水胶比、钢纤维掺量、减水剂、骨料掺量等因素对环形UHPC制品离心成型质量的影响。试验室研究结果表明:单掺细骨料UHPC制品随着水胶比的增大,其壁厚不均匀度也随之增大,制品离心成型难度也越大;双掺细骨料UHPC制品随着水胶比的增大,其壁厚不均匀度基本呈现先减小后增大的趋势;适宜双掺细骨料UHPC制品离心成型的水胶比范围比单掺细骨料UHPC制品的大;减水剂用量宜为1.2%~1.5%,当减水剂用量超过2.0%时,制品无法成型;含粗骨料UHPC制品的水胶比范围宜为0.16~0.17,钢纤维掺量与粗骨料体积含量呈反比关系,骨料的掺加能防止钢纤维“跑偏”,减少钢纤维集中分布在最外层现象的发生;采用离心成型工艺,单掺细骨料UHPC制品的混凝土坍落度宜控制在90~150 mm,双掺细骨料UHPC制品的混凝土坍落度宜控制在120~180 mm。 Abstract: In order to improve the insufficient centrifugal forming of UHPC pipe structure, the test parameters include water binder ratio, steel fiber content, water reducing agent, aggregate content, etc. on the experimental study of UHPC circular products by cemtrifugal forming were carried out. The results show that with the increase of water-binder ratio, the wall thickness unevenness of single mixed fine aggregate UHPC products increases, and the products are more difficult to centrifugal molding. With the increase of water-binder ratio, the wall thickness of double mixed fine aggregate UHPC products basically shows a trend of decreasing first and then increasing, and the range of water-binder ratio of double mixed fine aggregate UHPC products is larger. The dosage of water reducing agent should be 1.2%~1.5%. When the dosage exceeds 2.0%, the products are not formed. The recommended water-binder ratio should be 0.16~0.17, the volume content of steel fiber and coarse aggregate is inversely proportional, in order to prevent the deviation of steel fiber and reduce the phenomenon of steel fiber concentrated in the outermost layer, the slump range of single mixed fine aggregate UHPC products is 90~150 mm and the double mixed fine aggregate UHPC products is 120~180 mm.
英文名 : Experimental Study on Circular Ultra-high Performance Concrete Products Using Centrifugal Forming
刊期 : 2021年第12期
关键词 : 超高性能混凝土;离心成型;预制水泥制品;配合比设计;骨料含量;钢纤维含量;水胶比
Key words : Ultra-high performance concrete(UHPC); Centrifugal forming; Precast cement product; Mix design; Aggregate content; Steel fiber content; Water-binder ratio
刊期 : 2021年第12期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2021.12.034.08
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 福建省交通运输科技项目(202117);福州市科技局产学研项目(2018-G-63)。
作者 : 黄福云1,桂 奎1,林 潮2,黄 伟1,马 宇1,杨芳芳1
单位 : 1.福州大学 土木工程学院,福建 福州 350108;2.福州铭林钢塔钢构制造有限公司, 福建 福州 350018

黄福云1,桂 奎1,林 潮2,黄 伟1,马 宇1,杨芳芳1


HUANG F Y,GUI K,LIN C,et al.Experimental Study on Circular Ultra-high Performance Concrete Products Using Centrifugal Forming[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(12):34-41.


摘   要:为改善环形UHPC制品离心成型质量问题,试验研究了水胶比、钢纤维掺量、减水剂、骨料掺量等因素对环形UHPC制品离心成型质量的影响。试验室研究结果表明:单掺细骨料UHPC制品随着水胶比的增大,其壁厚不均匀度也随之增大,制品离心成型难度也越大;双掺细骨料UHPC制品随着水胶比的增大,其壁厚不均匀度基本呈现先减小后增大的趋势;适宜双掺细骨料UHPC制品离心成型的水胶比范围比单掺细骨料UHPC制品的大;减水剂用量宜为1.2%~1.5%,当减水剂用量超过2.0%时,制品无法成型;含粗骨料UHPC制品的水胶比范围宜为0.16~0.17,钢纤维掺量与粗骨料体积含量呈反比关系,骨料的掺加能防止钢纤维“跑偏”,减少钢纤维集中分布在最外层现象的发生;采用离心成型工艺,单掺细骨料UHPC制品的混凝土坍落度宜控制在90~150 mm,双掺细骨料UHPC制品的混凝土坍落度宜控制在120~180 mm。

Abstract: In order to improve the insufficient centrifugal forming of UHPC pipe structure, the test parameters include water binder ratio, steel fiber content, water reducing agent, aggregate content, etc. on the experimental study of UHPC circular products by cemtrifugal forming were carried out. The results show that with the increase of water-binder ratio, the wall thickness unevenness of single mixed fine aggregate UHPC products increases, and the products are more difficult to centrifugal molding. With the increase of water-binder ratio, the wall thickness of double mixed fine aggregate UHPC products basically shows a trend of decreasing first and then increasing, and the range of water-binder ratio of double mixed fine aggregate UHPC products is larger. The dosage of water reducing agent should be 1.2%~1.5%. When the dosage exceeds 2.0%, the products are not formed. The recommended water-binder ratio should be 0.16~0.17, the volume content of steel fiber and coarse aggregate is inversely proportional, in order to prevent the deviation of steel fiber and reduce the phenomenon of steel fiber concentrated in the outermost layer, the slump range of single mixed fine aggregate UHPC products is 90~150 mm and the double mixed fine aggregate UHPC products is 120~180 mm.


(6)成型质量良好的单掺细骨料UHPC制品,其坍落度范围宜为90~150 mm;成型质量良好的双掺细骨料UHPC制品,其坍落度范围宜为120~180 mm。

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HUANG F Y,GUI K,LIN C,et al.Experimental Study on Circular Ultra-high Performance Concrete Products Using Centrifugal Forming[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(12):34-41.




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