

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Experimental Study on Workability and Rheological Properties of Fresh Paste of UHPC
Water film thickness; Orthogonality test; UHPC; Workability; Rheological property; Mix proporition
黄 静1,季文玉1,阎培渝2
1.北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院,北京 100044;2.清华大学 土木工程系,北京 100084

黄 静1,季文玉1,阎培渝2

黄静,季文玉,阎培渝.新拌UHPC 净浆的工作性与流变性试验研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2022(1):1-6.

HUANG J,JI W Y,YAN P Y.Experimental Study on Workability and Rheological Properties of Fresh Paste of UHPC[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(1):1-6.

摘   要:通过正交试验研究了水胶比、超细粉煤灰掺量和硅灰掺量对新拌UHPC净浆的工作性与流变性的影响,选取流动度、黏度系数和水膜层厚度为工作性与流变性的衡量指标,利用综合平衡法获得了最优配合比。试验结果表明:水胶比、超细粉煤灰掺量和硅灰掺量的提高都会造成UHPC净浆的流动度和颗粒表面水膜层厚度增大,黏度系数减小;超细粉煤灰掺量是净浆工作性和流变性的主要影响因素,水胶比次之,硅灰掺量的影响最小;UHPC最优配合比:水胶比为0.2,超细粉煤灰掺量为40%,硅灰掺量为8%;以该配合比的成型的UHPC 28 d抗压强度为128.8 MPa,抗拉强度为20.3 MPa,同时满足工作性和力学性能要求,且经济合理。 Abstract: An orthogonality test was carried out for study on the effect of W/C ratio, the superfine fly ash and silica fume content on workability and rheological properties of fresh paste of UHPC, and flow spread, consistency coefficient and water film thickness on particles were taken as the measures of workability and rheological properties. The comprehensive balance method was used to obtain the optimal mix proportion of UHPC. The results show that the increase of W/C ratio, the superfine fly ash and silica fume content of UHPC enhances its water film thickness on particles and flowability, reduces its coefficient of viscosity. The superfine fly ash content is the main factor that affects the workability and rheological properties of UHPC, followed by W/C ratio and silica fume content. The optimal mix proporition of UHPC of the W/C is 0.2, superfine fly ash content of 40% and silica fume content of 8%. The 28 d compressive strength of the UHPC is 128.8 MPa and its flexurary strength is 20.3 MPa. It shows a satisfied workability and mechanical properties, as well as a reasonable economy.
英文名 : Experimental Study on Workability and Rheological Properties of Fresh Paste of UHPC
刊期 : 2022年第1期
关键词 : 水膜层厚度;正交试验;UHPC;工作性;流变性;配合比
Key words : Water film thickness; Orthogonality test; UHPC; Workability; Rheological property; Mix proporition
刊期 : 2022年第1期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2022.01.001.06
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 国家自然科学基金项目(51878381)。
作者 : 黄 静1,季文玉1,阎培渝2
单位 : 1.北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院,北京 100044;2.清华大学 土木工程系,北京 100084

黄 静1,季文玉1,阎培渝2

黄静,季文玉,阎培渝.新拌UHPC 净浆的工作性与流变性试验研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2022(1):1-6.

HUANG J,JI W Y,YAN P Y.Experimental Study on Workability and Rheological Properties of Fresh Paste of UHPC[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(1):1-6.


摘   要:通过正交试验研究了水胶比、超细粉煤灰掺量和硅灰掺量对新拌UHPC净浆的工作性与流变性的影响,选取流动度、黏度系数和水膜层厚度为工作性与流变性的衡量指标,利用综合平衡法获得了最优配合比。试验结果表明:水胶比、超细粉煤灰掺量和硅灰掺量的提高都会造成UHPC净浆的流动度和颗粒表面水膜层厚度增大,黏度系数减小;超细粉煤灰掺量是净浆工作性和流变性的主要影响因素,水胶比次之,硅灰掺量的影响最小;UHPC最优配合比:水胶比为0.2,超细粉煤灰掺量为40%,硅灰掺量为8%;以该配合比的成型的UHPC 28 d抗压强度为128.8 MPa,抗拉强度为20.3 MPa,同时满足工作性和力学性能要求,且经济合理。

Abstract: An orthogonality test was carried out for study on the effect of W/C ratio, the superfine fly ash and silica fume content on workability and rheological properties of fresh paste of UHPC, and flow spread, consistency coefficient and water film thickness on particles were taken as the measures of workability and rheological properties. The comprehensive balance method was used to obtain the optimal mix proportion of UHPC. The results show that the increase of W/C ratio, the superfine fly ash and silica fume content of UHPC enhances its water film thickness on particles and flowability, reduces its coefficient of viscosity. The superfine fly ash content is the main factor that affects the workability and rheological properties of UHPC, followed by W/C ratio and silica fume content. The optimal mix proporition of UHPC of the W/C is 0.2, superfine fly ash content of 40% and silica fume content of 8%. The 28 d compressive strength of the UHPC is 128.8 MPa and its flexurary strength is 20.3 MPa. It shows a satisfied workability and mechanical properties, as well as a reasonable economy.


(2)UHPC最优配合比为:水胶比为0.20,超细粉煤灰掺量为40%,硅灰掺量为8%。采用该净浆配合比成型的UHPC砂浆试件的28 d抗压强度为128.8 MPa,抗拉强度为20.3 MPa,同时满足工作性和力学性能要求,且经济合理。

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黄静,季文玉,阎培渝.新拌UHPC 净浆的工作性与流变性试验研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2022(1):1-6.

HUANG J,JI W Y,YAN P Y.Experimental Study on Workability and Rheological Properties of Fresh Paste of UHPC[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(1):1-6.




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