- 吕根喜1,高 武2,毛海明3,江晓华3,章拥军3
摘 要:基于工程实际要求,对内衬高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)片材化学物理性能及内衬HDPE片材钢筋混凝土管节进行了试验研究,包括内衬HDPE单键和多键的抗拉拔试验、管节接头抗内水压和外水压试验、HDPE片材覆贴接头抗外水压试验、外压荷载试验, 可为HDPE片材在钢筋混凝土排水管中的应用和推广提供参考。
Abstract: Based on the actual requirements of project, the chemical and physical properties tests of HDPE sheets and pipe section tests of large diameter HDPE lining reinforced concrete sewer pipes are carried out, including single and multiple bond pull-out tests of HDPE lining, internal and external water pressure tests of pipe joints, external water pressure test of concrete sewer pipe joint with HDPE sheet, interface and external pressure load tests, which can provide a reference for the application and promotion of HDPE sheet in the corrosion resistance of reinforced concrete sewer pipe.
LYU G X,GAO W,MAO H M,et al.Tests of Large Diameter HDPE Lining Reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipes[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(2):37-43.