GUO X Y,LI W L,WANG J J.Experimental Study on Drying Shrinkage of EPS Lightweight Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(2):68-72.
GUO X Y,LI W L,WANG J J.Experimental Study on Drying Shrinkage of EPS Lightweight Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(2):68-72.
摘 要:通过试验研究了陶粒、PP纤维、膨胀剂、胶凝材料用量以及环境条件对EPS轻混凝土干燥收缩性能的影响,探讨了不同密度等级EPS轻混凝土干燥收缩性能的变化规律。结果表明:EPS轻混凝土的收缩值在90 d内增长较快,180 d后收缩值增速减小;EPS轻混凝土的收缩值随着胶凝材料掺量的增加而增大;掺加膨胀剂、PP纤维以及采用覆膜养护能降低EPS轻混凝土的收缩值,掺入适量陶粒能有效降低EPS轻混凝土的收缩值;低温环境会使EPS轻混凝土的收缩值显著增大;EPS轻混凝土的干燥收缩性能与EPS轻混凝土的组分和各组分材料配比密切相关;采用对数型收缩值计算模型可对EPS轻混凝土的收缩值进行预测。
Abstract: The effects of ceramsite, polypropylene fiber, expansive agent, cementitious materials content and environmental conditions on the drying shrinkage performance of EPS lightweight concrete were studied, and the variation laws of drying shrinkage performance of EPS lightweight concrete with different density grades were studied. The results show that the shrinkage value of EPS lightweight concrete increases rapidly within 90 days, and the growth rate of shrinkage value decreases after 180 days. The shrinkage value of EPS lightweight concrete increases with the increase of cementitious materials content. The shrinkage value of EPS lightweight concrete can be reduced by adding expansive agent, polypropylene fiber and film curing. Adding appropriate amount of ceramsite can effectively reduce the shrinkage value of EPS lightweight concrete. Low temperature environment will significantly increase the shrinkage value of EPS lightweight concrete. The drying shrinkage performance of EPS lightweight concrete is closely related to the components of EPS lightweight concrete and the material ratio of each component. The shrinkage value of EPS lightweight concrete can be predicted by using the logarithmic shrinkage value calculation model.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州