樊 华1,徐铨彪2,3,陈 刚2,3,陈虹霖4,龚顺风4
FAN H,XU Q B,CHEN G,et al.Study on Tensile Performance of Connection Joints of Prestressed Concrete Square Pile After Accelerated Corrosion[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(4):36-41.
樊 华1,徐铨彪2,3,陈 刚2,3,陈虹霖4,龚顺风4
FAN H,XU Q B,CHEN G,et al.Study on Tensile Performance of Connection Joints of Prestressed Concrete Square Pile After Accelerated Corrosion[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(4):36-41.
摘 要:为研究氯盐环境下预应力混凝土方桩连接接头的耐久性能,对弹卡式与焊接式连接方桩接头试件进行了通电加速锈蚀试验,并对劣化后两种接头试件和预应力钢棒分别进行了抗拉性能试验。结果表明:劣化后弹卡式连接接头试件整体连接性能较好,破坏形式为桩身裂缝开展充分,接头连接完好,下节桩预应力钢棒被拉断;焊接式连接接头试件在焊缝处锈蚀相对严重,轴向开裂拉力下降幅度较大,破坏形式为接头焊缝处被拉开,两侧端板完全脱离,桩身未出现裂缝;两种接头形式劣化后预应力钢棒材料力学性能下降均在10%以内。
Abstract: To study the durability of connection joints of prestressed concrete square pile in chlorine salt environments, the electrical accelerated corrosion tests were conducted on the connection joint specimens of prestressed concrete square piles using elastic clip connection and welded connection, and then the tensile behavior tests of two types of square pile connection joint specimens and the prestressing steel rods were also conducted, respectively. The results show that the deteriorated square pile joint specimens with elastic clip connection have good overall connection performance and more durability. The failure mode is that the cracks in the pile body are fully developed, the joint connection is intact, and the prestressed steel rods of the lower pile are pulled off. However, the weld seam at the connection joints for the welded connection square pile specimens are corroded seriously, and the axial cracking tensile force declines greatly. The failure mode is that there is no crack in the pile body, the weld seam at the joint connection is pulled apart and the end plates on both sides are completely detached. The mechanical properties of the prestressed steel rods decreases within 10%.
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