

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Experimental Verification of Flexural Performance of Section Steel-RPC Beam Based on ABAQUS
Plastic damage(CDP) model; Section steel; Reactive powder concrete(RPC); Constitutive relation; Damage factor; Flexural performance
广西大学 土木建筑工程学院,广西 南宁 530004



DUAN J Q,DENG N C,LI H X.Experimental Verification of Flexural Performance of Section Steel-RPC Beam Based on ABAQUS[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(4):64-71.

摘   要:为了研究利用ABAQUS软件模拟活性粉末混凝土(RPC)梁抗弯性能的适用性,基于该软件中的混凝土材料塑性损伤(CDP)模型,针对RPC不同的本构模型,采用当前几种主流的塑性损伤因子计算方法,得到了适用于RPC材料的CDP参数。结合已有的型钢-RPC梁抗弯性能试验,将RPC材料的CDP参数输入ABAQUS软件中,建立了考虑型钢与RPC之间黏结滑移的有限元模型,并将模拟得到的荷载-挠度曲线与试验实测曲线进行了对比。结果表明:在试验实测RPC材料特征值参数值以及合适的RPC本构关系及塑性损伤因子计算方法的基础上,考虑型钢与RPC之间黏结滑移的数值模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好;建议模拟时选择下降段较缓和的受压应力-应变曲线,受拉应力-应变曲线近似强化模型,采用能量损失法及Sidoroff能量等价原理计算RPC材料的CDP参数。 Abstract: In order to study the applicability of using ABAQUS software to simulate the flexural performance of reactive powder concrete(RPC) beams, based on the concrete material plastic damage(CDP) model in ABAQUS software, according to different constitutive models of RPC, several current mainstream plastic damage factor calculation methods were used to obtain the CDP parameters suitable for RPC material. Combined with the existing flexural performance tests of section steel-RPC beams, the CDP parameters of the RPC material were input into the ABAQUS software, and a finite element model considering the bond-slip between the section steel and RPC was established, and the load-deflection curves obtained from the simulation were compared with the measured curves. The results show that on the basis of the eigenvalue parameters of the RPC material measured in the test and the appropriate calculation method of the RPC constitutive relation and the plastic damage factor, the numerical simulation results considering the bond-slip between the section steel and the RPC are in good agreement with the experimental results. It is recommended to select a gentler compressive stress-strain curve in the descending section during simulation, and approximate the strengthening model of the tensile stress-strain curve, and use the energy loss method and the Sidoroff energy equivalent principle to calculate the CDP parameters of RPC.  
英文名 : Experimental Verification of Flexural Performance of Section Steel-RPC Beam Based on ABAQUS
刊期 : 2022年第4期
关键词 : 塑性损伤(CDP)模型;型钢;活性粉末混凝土(RPC);本构关系;损伤因子;抗弯性能
Key words : Plastic damage(CDP) model; Section steel; Reactive powder concrete(RPC); Constitutive relation; Damage factor; Flexural performance
刊期 : 2022年第4期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2022.04.064.08
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 国家自然科学基金项目(51868006);广西高等学校高水平创新团队及卓越学者计划项目(桂教人[2018]35号)。
作者 : 段吉强,邓年春,李颢旭
单位 : 广西大学 土木建筑工程学院,广西 南宁 530004



DUAN J Q,DENG N C,LI H X.Experimental Verification of Flexural Performance of Section Steel-RPC Beam Based on ABAQUS[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(4):64-71.


摘   要:为了研究利用ABAQUS软件模拟活性粉末混凝土(RPC)梁抗弯性能的适用性,基于该软件中的混凝土材料塑性损伤(CDP)模型,针对RPC不同的本构模型,采用当前几种主流的塑性损伤因子计算方法,得到了适用于RPC材料的CDP参数。结合已有的型钢-RPC梁抗弯性能试验,将RPC材料的CDP参数输入ABAQUS软件中,建立了考虑型钢与RPC之间黏结滑移的有限元模型,并将模拟得到的荷载-挠度曲线与试验实测曲线进行了对比。结果表明:在试验实测RPC材料特征值参数值以及合适的RPC本构关系及塑性损伤因子计算方法的基础上,考虑型钢与RPC之间黏结滑移的数值模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好;建议模拟时选择下降段较缓和的受压应力-应变曲线,受拉应力-应变曲线近似强化模型,采用能量损失法及Sidoroff能量等价原理计算RPC材料的CDP参数。

Abstract: In order to study the applicability of using ABAQUS software to simulate the flexural performance of reactive powder concrete(RPC) beams, based on the concrete material plastic damage(CDP) model in ABAQUS software, according to different constitutive models of RPC, several current mainstream plastic damage factor calculation methods were used to obtain the CDP parameters suitable for RPC material. Combined with the existing flexural performance tests of section steel-RPC beams, the CDP parameters of the RPC material were input into the ABAQUS software, and a finite element model considering the bond-slip between the section steel and RPC was established, and the load-deflection curves obtained from the simulation were compared with the measured curves. The results show that on the basis of the eigenvalue parameters of the RPC material measured in the test and the appropriate calculation method of the RPC constitutive relation and the plastic damage factor, the numerical simulation results considering the bond-slip between the section steel and the RPC are in good agreement with the experimental results. It is recommended to select a gentler compressive stress-strain curve in the descending section during simulation, and approximate the strengthening model of the tensile stress-strain curve, and use the energy loss method and the Sidoroff energy equivalent principle to calculate the CDP parameters of RPC.



(1)能量损失法具有充分的理论依据,适用于各种强度的混凝土材料,通过编写程序进行数值积分,最终得到的损伤因子具有较高的精度; Sidoroff能量等价原理同样有充分的理论基础,具有良好的适用性;推荐采用能量损失法和Sidoroff能量等价原理求解ABAQUS软件中RPC材料的CDP模型参数。

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DUAN J Q,DENG N C,LI H X.Experimental Verification of Flexural Performance of Section Steel-RPC Beam Based on ABAQUS[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(4):64-71.




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