

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Prediction of Steel Bar Corrosion in Recycled Concrete Based on Weibull Distribution
Recycled concrete; Steel bar; Self-corrosion potential; Corrosion current density; Weibull distribution function; Life prediction
王子健1,彭金贵2,郭 飞2,苏 睿3,乔宏霞3
1.甘肃建投矿业有限公司,甘肃 兰州 730000;2.甘肃建投商品混凝土有限公司,甘肃 兰州 730060;3.兰州理工大学 西部土木工程防灾减灾教育部工程研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730050

王子健1,彭金贵2,郭 飞2,苏 睿3,乔宏霞3


WANG Z J,PENG J G,GUO F,et al.Prediction of Steel Bar Corrosion in Recycled Concrete Based on Weibull Distribution[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(4):84-88,93.

摘   要:为了解决西部盐渍土环境下再生混凝土中钢筋的寿命预测问题,采用电化学测试仪对浸泡在氯盐溶液中的再生骨料钢筋混凝土进行了电化学试验,得到了表征钢筋腐蚀的腐蚀电流密度及自腐蚀电位两个指标。利用最小二乘法对Weibull参数做了进一步估计,在Weibull分布函数的基础上对钢筋腐蚀后的寿命进行了建模。结果表明:再生混凝土中的钢筋加速腐蚀至30个月时,其腐蚀电流密度最高为0.058 4 μA/cm2,处于未腐蚀状态;将钢筋低腐蚀与中等腐蚀的界限值(0.5 μA/cm2)作为钢筋达到高腐蚀状态时的阈值,确定出再生混凝土中钢筋在第750个月时的可靠度函数开始趋近于零,处于中等腐蚀状态,从而直观反映了钢筋在实际环境中的有效使用寿命,可为再生混凝土中钢筋的维护与检测提供参考。 Abstract: In order to solve the problem of steel bar life prediction in recycled concrete in the western saline soil environment, the electrochemical test of recycled aggregate reinforced concrete soaked in chloride solution was carried out by using an electrochemical tester, and the corrosion current density and self-corrosion potential of steel bar were obtained. The least-squares method was used to further estimate the Weibull parameters, and the life of the steel bars after corrosion was modeled based on the Weibull distribution function. The results show that when the steel bar in recycled concrete is accelerated to 30 months, the maximum corrosion current density is 0.058 4 μA/cm2, and  the steel bars are in non corrosive state. Taking the limit value of low corrosion and moderate corrosion of steel bars(0.5 μA/cm2) as the threshold value when steel bars reach high corrosion state, it is determined that the reliability function of steel bar in recycled concrete begins to approach zero at 750 months and is in the medium corrosive state, which directly reflects the effective service life of the steel bars in the actual environment. It can provide a reference for the maintenance and detection of steel bars in recycled concrete.
英文名 : Prediction of Steel Bar Corrosion in Recycled Concrete Based on Weibull Distribution
刊期 : 2022年第4期
关键词 : 再生混凝土;钢筋;自腐蚀电位;腐蚀电流密度;Weibull分布函数;寿命预测
Key words : Recycled concrete; Steel bar; Self-corrosion potential; Corrosion current density; Weibull distribution function; Life prediction
刊期 : 2022年第4期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2022.04.084.06
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 2018年国家自然科学基金项目(51868044)。
作者 : 王子健1,彭金贵2,郭 飞2,苏 睿3,乔宏霞3
单位 : 1.甘肃建投矿业有限公司,甘肃 兰州 730000;2.甘肃建投商品混凝土有限公司,甘肃 兰州 730060;3.兰州理工大学 西部土木工程防灾减灾教育部工程研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730050

王子健1,彭金贵2,郭 飞2,苏 睿3,乔宏霞3


WANG Z J,PENG J G,GUO F,et al.Prediction of Steel Bar Corrosion in Recycled Concrete Based on Weibull Distribution[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(4):84-88,93.


摘   要:为了解决西部盐渍土环境下再生混凝土中钢筋的寿命预测问题,采用电化学测试仪对浸泡在氯盐溶液中的再生骨料钢筋混凝土进行了电化学试验,得到了表征钢筋腐蚀的腐蚀电流密度及自腐蚀电位两个指标。利用最小二乘法对Weibull参数做了进一步估计,在Weibull分布函数的基础上对钢筋腐蚀后的寿命进行了建模。结果表明:再生混凝土中的钢筋加速腐蚀至30个月时,其腐蚀电流密度最高为0.058 4 μA/cm2,处于未腐蚀状态;将钢筋低腐蚀与中等腐蚀的界限值(0.5 μA/cm2)作为钢筋达到高腐蚀状态时的阈值,确定出再生混凝土中钢筋在第750个月时的可靠度函数开始趋近于零,处于中等腐蚀状态,从而直观反映了钢筋在实际环境中的有效使用寿命,可为再生混凝土中钢筋的维护与检测提供参考。

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of steel bar life prediction in recycled concrete in the western saline soil environment, the electrochemical test of recycled aggregate reinforced concrete soaked in chloride solution was carried out by using an electrochemical tester, and the corrosion current density and self-corrosion potential of steel bar were obtained. The least-squares method was used to further estimate the Weibull parameters, and the life of the steel bars after corrosion was modeled based on the Weibull distribution function. The results show that when the steel bar in recycled concrete is accelerated to 30 months, the maximum corrosion current density is 0.058 4 μA/cm2, and  the steel bars are in non corrosive state. Taking the limit value of low corrosion and moderate corrosion of steel bars(0.5 μA/cm2) as the threshold value when steel bars reach high corrosion state, it is determined that the reliability function of steel bar in recycled concrete begins to approach zero at 750 months and is in the medium corrosive state, which directly reflects the effective service life of the steel bars in the actual environment. It can provide a reference for the maintenance and detection of steel bars in recycled concrete.


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WANG Z J,PENG J G,GUO F,et al.Prediction of Steel Bar Corrosion in Recycled Concrete Based on Weibull Distribution[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(4):84-88,93.




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