

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
The Influence of Different Factors on the Performance of Pervious Concrete
Orthogonal experimental; Compressive strength; Permeability coefficient; Slurry thickness; Coarse aggregate; Water-binder ratio; Silica fume
周家慧,杨建永,李 钧
江西理工大学 土木与测绘工程学院,江西 赣州 341000

周家慧,杨建永,李 钧


ZHOU J H,YANG J Y,LI J.The Influence of Different Factors on the Performance of Pervious Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(5):30-35.

摘   要:基于正交试验研究了粗骨料占比、浆膜厚度、水胶比及硅灰替代率四种因素对透水混凝土抗压强度及透水系数的影响。结果表明:浆膜厚度对透水混凝土抗压强度及透水系数的影响最大;随着粗骨料占比的增加,透水混凝土的抗压强度降低,透水系数先增后减;随着浆膜厚度的增加,透水混凝土的抗压强度增加,透水系数降低;随着水胶比的增加,透水混凝土的抗压强度先增后减,透水系数波动变化;随着硅灰替代率的增加,透水混凝土的抗压强度总体呈增大趋势,透水系数降低;通过优选得到抗压强度最优组的透水混凝土抗压强度为35.1 MPa、透水系数为1.8 mm/s,可应用于轻型荷载道路;透水系数最优组的透水混凝土抗压强度为26.7 MPa、透水系数为3.6 mm/s,可应用于人行道、非机动车道等。 Abstract: Through the orthogonal experiment design method, the influence of four factors, the proportion of coarse aggregate, the thickness of the grout, the water-binder ratio and the replacement rate of silica fume on the compressive strength and water permeability coefficient of pervious concrete was studied. The results show that the thickness of the grout has the greatest influence on the compressive strength and permeability coefficient of the pervious concrete. As the proportion of coarse aggregate increases, the compressive strength of pervious concrete decreases, and the permeability coefficient first increases and then decreases. As the thickness of the grout increases, the compressive strength of pervious concrete increases and the permeability coefficient decreases. As the water-binder ratio increases, the compressive strength of pervious concrete first increases and then decreases, and the permeable coefficient fluctuates. As the replacement rate of silica fume increases, the compressive strength of pervious concrete generally shows an increasing trend, while the permeable coefficient decreases. Through the test of the two optimal combinations, it is obtained that the compressive strength of the pervious concrete with the best compressive strength is 35.1 MPa and the water permeability coefficient is 1.8 mm/s, which can be applied to light-loaded roads. The compressive strength of the pervious concrete with the optimal combination of permeability coefficient is 26.7 MPa and the permeability coefficient is 3.6 mm/s, which can be applied to sidewalks, non-motorized roads, etc.
英文名 : The Influence of Different Factors on the Performance of Pervious Concrete
刊期 : 2022年第5期
关键词 : 正交试验;抗压强度;透水系数;浆膜厚度;粗骨料;水胶比;硅灰
Key words : Orthogonal experimental; Compressive strength; Permeability coefficient; Slurry thickness; Coarse aggregate; Water-binder ratio; Silica fume
刊期 : 2022年第5期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2022.05.030.04
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 国家自然科学基金项目(51704128)。
作者 : 周家慧,杨建永,李 钧
单位 : 江西理工大学 土木与测绘工程学院,江西 赣州 341000

周家慧,杨建永,李 钧


ZHOU J H,YANG J Y,LI J.The Influence of Different Factors on the Performance of Pervious Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(5):30-35.


摘   要:基于正交试验研究了粗骨料占比、浆膜厚度、水胶比及硅灰替代率四种因素对透水混凝土抗压强度及透水系数的影响。结果表明:浆膜厚度对透水混凝土抗压强度及透水系数的影响最大;随着粗骨料占比的增加,透水混凝土的抗压强度降低,透水系数先增后减;随着浆膜厚度的增加,透水混凝土的抗压强度增加,透水系数降低;随着水胶比的增加,透水混凝土的抗压强度先增后减,透水系数波动变化;随着硅灰替代率的增加,透水混凝土的抗压强度总体呈增大趋势,透水系数降低;通过优选得到抗压强度最优组的透水混凝土抗压强度为35.1 MPa、透水系数为1.8 mm/s,可应用于轻型荷载道路;透水系数最优组的透水混凝土抗压强度为26.7 MPa、透水系数为3.6 mm/s,可应用于人行道、非机动车道等。

Abstract: Through the orthogonal experiment design method, the influence of four factors, the proportion of coarse aggregate, the thickness of the grout, the water-binder ratio and the replacement rate of silica fume on the compressive strength and water permeability coefficient of pervious concrete was studied. The results show that the thickness of the grout has the greatest influence on the compressive strength and permeability coefficient of the pervious concrete. As the proportion of coarse aggregate increases, the compressive strength of pervious concrete decreases, and the permeability coefficient first increases and then decreases. As the thickness of the grout increases, the compressive strength of pervious concrete increases and the permeability coefficient decreases. As the water-binder ratio increases, the compressive strength of pervious concrete first increases and then decreases, and the permeable coefficient fluctuates. As the replacement rate of silica fume increases, the compressive strength of pervious concrete generally shows an increasing trend, while the permeable coefficient decreases. Through the test of the two optimal combinations, it is obtained that the compressive strength of the pervious concrete with the best compressive strength is 35.1 MPa and the water permeability coefficient is 1.8 mm/s, which can be applied to light-loaded roads. The compressive strength of the pervious concrete with the optimal combination of permeability coefficient is 26.7 MPa and the permeability coefficient is 3.6 mm/s, which can be applied to sidewalks, non-motorized roads, etc.


(2)根据本文研究,得到抗压强度最优组的透水混凝土抗压强度为35.1 MPa、透水系数为1.8 mm/s;透水系数最优组的透水混凝土抗压强度为26.7 MPa、透水系数为3.6 mm/s。
(3)根据CJJ/T 135—2009,轻型荷载道路的透水混凝土面层强度等级不应小于C30,本文所得的抗压强度最优组合综合性能满足此类道路要求;人行道、广场、非机动车道、停车场及景观硬地的透水混凝土面层强度等级不应小于C20,本文所得的透水系数最优组合综合性能满足此类道路要求。

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ZHOU J H,YANG J Y,LI J.The Influence of Different Factors on the Performance of Pervious Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(5):30-35.




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