YU X F,TANG J H,CHEN Z P.Test Research of Contact Detonation of PC Columns with Grouting Sleeve Connections[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(5):46-49.
YU X F,TANG J H,CHEN Z P.Test Research of Contact Detonation of PC Columns with Grouting Sleeve Connections[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(5):46-49.
摘 要:为研究预制混凝土柱(PC柱)在爆炸荷载作用下的抗爆性能,制作了5根缩尺比例为1∶2.5的PC柱,进行了不同参数下的室内接触爆炸试验。通过收集的PC柱损伤尺寸数据,分析了炸药当量、起爆点位置等参数对套筒灌浆PC柱抗爆性能的影响,并采用CONWEP软件对自由场超压进行了对比分析。结果表明:在接触爆炸作用下,PC柱仅发生局部破坏;PC柱的损伤尺寸随着炸药当量的提高而增大;与PC柱柱中起爆相比,柱端起爆试件的损伤面积明显较小。
Abstract: To obtain the blast performance of precast concrete(PC) columns with grouting sleeve connections, five PC columns with reduced scale of 1∶2.5 against contact detonation were conducted in a blast testing vessel, in which the effects of explosive equivalent and detonation position on blast damage were studied. CONWEP software was used to analyze the free field overpressure. The results show that PC column is only damaged locally in terms of the whole damaged area under contact explosion. By comparing the damage of PC columns with different explosive equivalent, it is found that the damage size of the column increases gradually with the increase of explosive equivalent. Moreover, the damage area of the test piece detonated at the end of the column is significantly smaller than that of the test piece whose initiation point is located in the column.
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