

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Research and Application of Carbonated Pretreatment Steel Slag Powder in Concrete
Carbonation pretreatment; Steel slag powder; Concrete; Mix proportion design; Workability; Mechanical property; Engineering application
王 瑾1,刘 健2,潘 红1,吴昊泽1,徐东宇3
1.山东省产品质量检验研究院;山东 济南 250102;2.济南市技师学院,山东 济南 250031; 3.济南大学 山东省建筑材料制备与测试技术重点实验室,山东 济南 250022

王 瑾1,刘 健2,潘 红1,吴昊泽1,徐东宇3


WANG J,LIU J,PAN H,et al.Research and Application of Carbonated Pretreatment Steel Slag Powder in Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(5):90-94.

摘   要:利用X射线衍射仪和SEM扫描电子显微镜观察了碳酸化预处理前后钢渣粉的矿物组成和微观形貌,研究了碳酸化钢渣粉等质量(5%、15%、25%)替代水泥和等质量替代矿渣粉(碳酸化钢渣粉用量占胶凝材料总量的10%、20%)对混凝土工作性和力学性能的影响。结果表明:经过碳酸化预处理后,钢渣粉中的MgO和f-CaO含量分别降低了72.86%和88.86%,并伴有尺寸约为1 μm的颗粒状晶体产生;随着碳酸化钢渣粉替代水泥比例的增加,试件的抗压强度先增大后减小,坍落度和凝结时间均逐渐增大;当水泥用量为胶凝材料总量的50%时,随着碳酸化钢渣粉替代矿渣粉比例的增加,试件的抗压强度降低,初始坍落度减小,凝结时间延长;当水泥用量为胶凝材料总量的70%时,随着碳酸化钢渣粉替代矿渣粉比例的增加,试件的抗压强度先增大后减小,初始坍落度减小,凝结时间延长。碳酸化钢渣粉已成功应用于道路及地坪工程用混凝土的配合比设计中。 Abstract: The mineral composition and microstructure of steel slag powder before and after carbonation pretreatment were observed by X-ray diffractometer and SEM scanning electron microscope, and the effects of carbonated steel slag powder instead of cement(5%, 15%, 25%) and instead of slag powder(the amount of carbonated steel slag powder accounted for 10% and 20% of the cementitious material) on the workability and mechanical properties of concrete were studied. The results show that after carbonation pretreatment, the content of MgO and f-CaO in steel slag powder are reduced by 72.86% and 88.86% respectively, and granular crystals with a size of about 1 μm are produced. With the increase of the ratio of carbonated steel slag powder instead of cement, the compressive strength of the specimen first increases and then decreases, and the slump and setting time gradually increase. When the cement dosage is 50% of the total cementitious material, with the increase of the ratio of carbonated steel slag powder instead of slag powder, the compressive strength of the specimen decreases, the initial slump decreases, and the setting time increases. When the cement dosage is 70% of the total cementitious material, with the increase of the ratio of carbonated steel slag powder instead of slag powder, the compressive strength of the specimen first increases and then decreases, the initial slump decreases, and the setting time increases. Carbonated steel slag powder has been successfully used in the mix proportion design of concrete for road and floor engineering.
英文名 : Research and Application of Carbonated Pretreatment Steel Slag Powder in Concrete
刊期 : 2022年第5期
关键词 : 碳酸化预处理;钢渣粉;混凝土;配合比设计;工作性;力学性能;工程应用
Key words : Carbonation pretreatment; Steel slag powder; Concrete; Mix proportion design; Workability; Mechanical property; Engineering application
刊期 : 2022年第5期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2022.05.090.05
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFE0120900);山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2017JL023)。
作者 : 王 瑾1,刘 健2,潘 红1,吴昊泽1,徐东宇3
单位 : 1.山东省产品质量检验研究院;山东 济南 250102;2.济南市技师学院,山东 济南 250031; 3.济南大学 山东省建筑材料制备与测试技术重点实验室,山东 济南 250022

王 瑾1,刘 健2,潘 红1,吴昊泽1,徐东宇3


WANG J,LIU J,PAN H,et al.Research and Application of Carbonated Pretreatment Steel Slag Powder in Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(5):90-94.


摘   要:利用X射线衍射仪和SEM扫描电子显微镜观察了碳酸化预处理前后钢渣粉的矿物组成和微观形貌,研究了碳酸化钢渣粉等质量(5%、15%、25%)替代水泥和等质量替代矿渣粉(碳酸化钢渣粉用量占胶凝材料总量的10%、20%)对混凝土工作性和力学性能的影响。结果表明:经过碳酸化预处理后,钢渣粉中的MgO和f-CaO含量分别降低了72.86%和88.86%,并伴有尺寸约为1 μm的颗粒状晶体产生;随着碳酸化钢渣粉替代水泥比例的增加,试件的抗压强度先增大后减小,坍落度和凝结时间均逐渐增大;当水泥用量为胶凝材料总量的50%时,随着碳酸化钢渣粉替代矿渣粉比例的增加,试件的抗压强度降低,初始坍落度减小,凝结时间延长;当水泥用量为胶凝材料总量的70%时,随着碳酸化钢渣粉替代矿渣粉比例的增加,试件的抗压强度先增大后减小,初始坍落度减小,凝结时间延长。碳酸化钢渣粉已成功应用于道路及地坪工程用混凝土的配合比设计中。

Abstract: The mineral composition and microstructure of steel slag powder before and after carbonation pretreatment were observed by X-ray diffractometer and SEM scanning electron microscope, and the effects of carbonated steel slag powder instead of cement(5%, 15%, 25%) and instead of slag powder(the amount of carbonated steel slag powder accounted for 10% and 20% of the cementitious material) on the workability and mechanical properties of concrete were studied. The results show that after carbonation pretreatment, the content of MgO and f-CaO in steel slag powder are reduced by 72.86% and 88.86% respectively, and granular crystals with a size of about 1 μm are produced. With the increase of the ratio of carbonated steel slag powder instead of cement, the compressive strength of the specimen first increases and then decreases, and the slump and setting time gradually increase. When the cement dosage is 50% of the total cementitious material, with the increase of the ratio of carbonated steel slag powder instead of slag powder, the compressive strength of the specimen decreases, the initial slump decreases, and the setting time increases. When the cement dosage is 70% of the total cementitious material, with the increase of the ratio of carbonated steel slag powder instead of slag powder, the compressive strength of the specimen first increases and then decreases, the initial slump decreases, and the setting time increases. Carbonated steel slag powder has been successfully used in the mix proportion design of concrete for road and floor engineering.



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WANG J,LIU J,PAN H,et al.Research and Application of Carbonated Pretreatment Steel Slag Powder in Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(5):90-94.




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