岳 龙,季 涛,周钰鑫,王 晟,蒋铭昊,符 涛,张士萍
YUE L,JI T, ZHOU Y X,et al.Active Excitation of Waste Glass Powder and Its Effect on the Properties of Mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(7):97-100.
岳 龙,季 涛,周钰鑫,王 晟,蒋铭昊,符 涛,张士萍
YUE L,JI T, ZHOU Y X,et al.Active Excitation of Waste Glass Powder and Its Effect on the Properties of Mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(7):97-100.
摘 要:采用碱激发剂和盐激发剂激发废玻璃粉的活性,研究了活性激发前后废玻璃粉对砂浆ASR膨胀和强度的影响。结果表明:未活性激发时,当废玻璃粉的取代率为10%时,砂浆的抗折强度和膨胀率均优于基准组;碱激发剂可有效侵蚀废玻璃粉,产生活性SiO2,但碱过量会引起碱骨料反应的发生,降低砂浆的强度和耐久性;盐激发剂既能促进废玻璃粉中活性SiO2的释放,又能生成钙矾石,提高基体密实度,但掺量过高会造成钙矾石过量,导致基体结构疏松,从而降低砂浆的强度和耐久性。
Abstract: The activity of waste glass powder was stimulated by alkali activator and salt activator, and the effect of waste glass powder before and after activation on the ASR expansion and strength of mortar was studied. The results show that when the replacement rate of waste glass powder without active excitation is 10%, the flexural strength and expansion rate of mortar are better than those of the reference group. Alkali activator can effectively erode waste glass powder and generate active SiO2, but excessive alkali will cause alkali-aggregate reaction and reduce the strength and durability of mortar. Salt activator can not only promote the release of active SiO2 in waste glass powder, but also generate ettringite and improve the compactness of the matrix, but excessive salt activator will cause excessive ettringite, resulting in loose matrix structure, thereby reducing the mortar strength and durability.
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