张清芳1,沈 璐1,2,田 涛2,3,张年华2,3
ZHANG Q F,SHEN L,TIAN T,et al.Research on Construction Technology of Cement-based Material 3D Printing Artificial Reef[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(8):1-5.
张清芳1,沈 璐1,2,田 涛2,3,张年华2,3
ZHANG Q F,SHEN L,TIAN T,et al.Research on Construction Technology of Cement-based Material 3D Printing Artificial Reef[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(8):1-5.
摘 要:从技术性、经济性、生态效应等方面分析了水泥基材料3D打印技术用于人工鱼礁建造的可行性,对比分析了水泥基材料3D打印人工鱼礁与传统模板建造工艺在生产效率、成本结构及经济环境效益方面的差异。并以某人工鱼礁建造工程为背景,制定了具体的3D打印预制块制造方案,进行了工程造价计算。结果表明,与传统模板建造工艺相比,3D打印工艺在建造成本以及工期方面分别节省和缩短了12.21%和26.00%。
Abstract: From the point of technical, economic, ecological aspects, the feasibility of 3D printing technology of cement-base material in the construction of artificial reefs was analyzed, the differences between 3D printing of cement-based materials for artificial reefs and traditional modules manufacturing in productivity, cost structure, and economical of environmental benefits were compared. And a 3D printed prefabricated block construction scheme was developed and the engineering cost calculation was carried out for an artificial reef construction project as an example. The results show that compared with the traditional construction method, the construction cost and duration can save 12.21% and 26.00% respectively by the 3D printing method.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州