

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Experimental Study on Testing Solid Strength of Grouting Materials by Surface Hardness Method
Prefabricated building; Grouting material; Testing age; Compressive strength; Surface hardness
赵建华1,凌良建2,吕 嘉2,谢慧晟2
1.南京市建筑工程质量安全监督站,江苏 南京 210007;2.南京市建筑工程质量安全检测中心,江苏 南京 210017

赵建华1,凌良建2,吕 嘉2,谢慧晟2


ZHAO J H,LING L J,LYU Jia,et al.Experimental Study on Testing Solid Strength of Grouting Materials by Surface Hardness Method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(8):78-82.

摘   要:研究了灌浆料标准试块抗压强度随龄期的变化规律,分析了表面硬度法检测灌浆料实体抗压强度的影响因素,建立了工程现场灌浆料表面硬度与抗压强度之间的测强曲线,并通过分析工程现场构件注浆孔端与出浆孔端灌浆料的表面硬度差异确定了合适的检测部位。结果表明:灌浆料抗压强度在前期增长较快,14 d后增长变缓,且14 d抗压强度能够达到28 d抗压强度的90%左右,故建议表面硬度法检测灌浆料实体抗压强度的最佳龄期应在14 d之后;出浆孔端灌浆料的表面硬度与抗压强度之间的相关性较差,而注浆孔端灌浆料的表面硬度与抗压强度之间的相关性较好,故建议表面硬度法检测灌浆料实体抗压强度的检测部位应选择注浆孔端;根据注浆孔端灌浆料的表面硬度与标准试块表面硬度之间的差异确定了二者之间的表面硬度修正量,可为表面硬度法检测灌浆料实体抗压强度的实际应用提供参考。 Abstract: The variation law of the compressive strength of the grouting material standard test block with age was studied, the influencing factors of testing the compressive strength of grouting material by surface hardness method were analyzed, and the strength-measurement curve between the surface hardness and compressive strength of grouting material in the project site was established, and the appropriate testing position was determined by analyzing the surface hardness difference between the grouting hole and the outlet hole of the components in the project site. The results show that the compressive strength of grouting material increases rapidly in the early stage, and slows down after 14 d, and the 14 d compressive strength can reach about 90% of the 28 d compressive strength. Therefore, it is suggested that the best age for testing the solid compressive strength of grouting materials by surface hardness method should be after 14 d. The correlation between the surface hardness at the location of the outlet hole and the compressive strength of the grouting material is poor, while the correlation between the surface hardness at the location of the grouting hole and the compressive strength of the grouting material is good. Therefore, it is suggested that the grouting hole should be selected as the detection position for testing the compressive strength of grouting material by surface hardness method. According to the difference between the surface hardness of the grouting hole position and the surface hardness of the grouting material standard test block, the surface hardness correction between the two is determined, which can provide a reference for the practical application of the surface hardness method to detect the compressive strength of the grouting material.
英文名 : Experimental Study on Testing Solid Strength of Grouting Materials by Surface Hardness Method
刊期 : 2022年第8期
关键词 : 装配式建筑;灌浆料;检测龄期;抗压强度;表面硬度
Key words : Prefabricated building; Grouting material; Testing age; Compressive strength; Surface hardness
刊期 : 2022年第8期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2022.08.078.05
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 江苏省建设系统科技项目(2020ZD60)。
作者 : 赵建华1,凌良建2,吕 嘉2,谢慧晟2
单位 : 1.南京市建筑工程质量安全监督站,江苏 南京 210007;2.南京市建筑工程质量安全检测中心,江苏 南京 210017

赵建华1,凌良建2,吕 嘉2,谢慧晟2


ZHAO J H,LING L J,LYU Jia,et al.Experimental Study on Testing Solid Strength of Grouting Materials by Surface Hardness Method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(8):78-82.


摘   要:研究了灌浆料标准试块抗压强度随龄期的变化规律,分析了表面硬度法检测灌浆料实体抗压强度的影响因素,建立了工程现场灌浆料表面硬度与抗压强度之间的测强曲线,并通过分析工程现场构件注浆孔端与出浆孔端灌浆料的表面硬度差异确定了合适的检测部位。结果表明:灌浆料抗压强度在前期增长较快,14 d后增长变缓,且14 d抗压强度能够达到28 d抗压强度的90%左右,故建议表面硬度法检测灌浆料实体抗压强度的最佳龄期应在14 d之后;出浆孔端灌浆料的表面硬度与抗压强度之间的相关性较差,而注浆孔端灌浆料的表面硬度与抗压强度之间的相关性较好,故建议表面硬度法检测灌浆料实体抗压强度的检测部位应选择注浆孔端;根据注浆孔端灌浆料的表面硬度与标准试块表面硬度之间的差异确定了二者之间的表面硬度修正量,可为表面硬度法检测灌浆料实体抗压强度的实际应用提供参考。

Abstract: The variation law of the compressive strength of the grouting material standard test block with age was studied, the influencing factors of testing the compressive strength of grouting material by surface hardness method were analyzed, and the strength-measurement curve between the surface hardness and compressive strength of grouting material in the project site was established, and the appropriate testing position was determined by analyzing the surface hardness difference between the grouting hole and the outlet hole of the components in the project site. The results show that the compressive strength of grouting material increases rapidly in the early stage, and slows down after 14 d, and the 14 d compressive strength can reach about 90% of the 28 d compressive strength. Therefore, it is suggested that the best age for testing the solid compressive strength of grouting materials by surface hardness method should be after 14 d. The correlation between the surface hardness at the location of the outlet hole and the compressive strength of the grouting material is poor, while the correlation between the surface hardness at the location of the grouting hole and the compressive strength of the grouting material is good. Therefore, it is suggested that the grouting hole should be selected as the detection position for testing the compressive strength of grouting material by surface hardness method. According to the difference between the surface hardness of the grouting hole position and the surface hardness of the grouting material standard test block, the surface hardness correction between the two is determined, which can provide a reference for the practical application of the surface hardness method to detect the compressive strength of the grouting material.


(1)灌浆料的抗压强度在早期(3 d)增长较快,7 d后增长变缓;14 d抗压强度已经能够达到28 d抗压强度的90%左右。因此,采用表面硬度法检测灌浆料实体抗压强度的龄期应在14 d之后。

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ZHAO J H,LING L J,LYU Jia,et al.Experimental Study on Testing Solid Strength of Grouting Materials by Surface Hardness Method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(8):78-82.




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