CAO S L.Design and Structure Calculation of Based Sharped Single-layer Reinforced Elliptical Concrete Pipes[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(9):38-41.
CAO S L.Design and Structure Calculation of Based Sharped Single-layer Reinforced Elliptical Concrete Pipes[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(9):38-41.
摘 要:考虑管顶、管底和管腹受力特点,介绍了带底座单层配筋混凝土椭圆管的结构设计方法,并结合具体示例,阐述了配筋计算和裂缝宽度验算过程,针对不用规格带底座单层配筋混凝土椭圆管,给出了相关配筋表,以期为带底座单层配筋混凝土椭圆管的推广和使用提供参考。
Abstract: Considering the stress characteristics of pipe top, pipe bottom and pipe body, the design and structural calculation method of based sharped single-layer reinforced elliptical concrete pipes were introduced, and combined with specific calculation example, the process of reinforcement calculation and crack width checking calculation were expoundes. The relevant reinforcement table for based sharped single-layer reinforced elliptical concrete pipes with different specifications was given, which can provide a reference for the promotion and use of based sharped single-layer reinforced elliptical concrete pipes.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州