吴 凯1,赖建中1,2,杜龙雨1,周捷航1,董赛阳1,邱士扬2
WU K,LAI J Z,DU L Y,et al.Impermeability and Frost Resistance of 3D Printed Ultra-high Performance Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(10):1-6.
吴 凯1,赖建中1,2,杜龙雨1,周捷航1,董赛阳1,邱士扬2
WU K,LAI J Z,DU L Y,et al.Impermeability and Frost Resistance of 3D Printed Ultra-high Performance Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(10):1-6.
摘 要:设计了一种基于超高性能混凝土配合比的3D打印材料,研究了3D打印混凝土试件和浇筑试件的抗渗性能和抗冻性能。结果表明,用该配合比配制的3D打印混凝土试件和浇筑试件均具有良好的抗渗性能和抗冻性能,试件均能在1.4 MPa水压力下保持不渗水,300次冻融循环后保持较高的力学性能和相对动弹性模量,且3D打印试件测试结果更好。为增强结构密实度,混凝土原材料添加了钢纤维,通过CT扫描发现,3D打印试件结构更加紧密,内部缺陷较少,受到冻融破坏时能保持较完整的结构。
Abstract: A 3D printed material based on the ultra-high performance concrete mix proportion was designed. 3D printed specimens and casted specimens were prepared to study their impermeability and frost resistance. The results show that these concrete specimens with ultra-high performance concrete mix proportion have good impermeability and frost resistance. The experimental specimens can maintain impermeability under 1.4 MPa water pressure, and maintain great mechanical properties and relative dynamic elastic modulus after 300 freeze-thaw cycles, and the test results of 3D printed specimens are better. CT scan analysis reveals that the structure of 3D printed concrete is denser. The addition of steel fibers can improve the compactness of the structure when freeze-thaw damage occurrs. Thus, 3D printed specimens have better comprehensive performance due to fewer internal defects.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州