YE W S.Performance Research of Pervious Concrete by Multi-factor Orthogonal Experiment Based on Practical Production[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(10):36-39.
YE W S.Performance Research of Pervious Concrete by Multi-factor Orthogonal Experiment Based on Practical Production[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(10):36-39.
摘 要:基于搅拌站的实际生产原材料,通过水胶比、目标孔隙率和掺合料掺量进行了正交试验设计,分析了各因素对透水混凝土有效孔隙率、透水系数和抗压强度的影响。结果表明:各因数对透水混凝土性能的综合影响顺序为:目标孔隙率>水胶比>掺合料掺量,性能最优的组合为:水胶比0.25、目标孔隙率20%、掺合料(粉煤灰+矿粉)掺量12%+12%。可为搅拌站透水混凝土的生产研究提供参考。
Abstract: Based on the actual production raw materials of the batching plant, the orthogonal test was designed through the water-binder ratio, target porosity and admixture dosage, and the effects of various factors on the effective porosity, permeability coefficient and compressive strength of pervious concrete were analyzed. The results show that the comprehensive influence order of each factor on the performance of pervious concrete is: target porosity>water-binder ratio>admixture content, and the optimal combination of performance is: water-binder ratio 0.25, target porosity 20%, admixture (Fly ash+mineral powder) dosage 12%+12%. It can provide reference for the production research of pervious concrete in batching plant.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州