

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Study on Axial Compression Bearing Capacity Model of Square Reinforcement Concrete Columns Confined by CFRP
Carbon fiber reinforced plastics; Square reinforced concrete column; Reinforced concrete; Axial compression bearing capacity; Predictive model
王帮康1,周 理1,2,郭 广1
1.贵州大学 建筑与城市规划学院,贵州 贵阳 550003;2.贵州省山地人居智慧与绿色建造工程 研究中心,贵州 贵阳 550001

王帮康1,周 理1,2,郭 广1

摘   要:为精确预测碳纤维布(CFRP)约束混凝土方柱轴压承载力,考虑混凝土方柱中不同区域约束效应的差异,将承载力贡献项离散为四项(纵向钢筋、无侧限区混凝土、CFRP约束区混凝土、箍筋及CFRP共同约束区混凝土),基于此建立了CFRP约束混凝土方柱轴压承载力预测模型,并与收集的84个CFRP约束混凝土方柱试验数据进行了对比验证。结果表明:建立的模型用于预测CFRP约束混凝土方柱轴压承载力较其他模型更接近试验值,且可靠性较高;模型约束比和圆角半径与预测值呈正相关。 Abstract: In order to accurately predict the axial compression bearing capacity of square concrete columns restrained by carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP), taking the consideration of the difference in restraint effect of different regions of concrete columns. The contribution of the bearing capacity can be divided into 4 parts(the contributions of longitudinal reinforcement, unconfined concrete, concrete restrained by CFRP, and concrete restrained by CFRP and hooping). Based on the above assume, a new model of the axial compression bearing capacity of square concrete columns confined by CFRP was established. A total of 84 experimental data were collected, and were used to verify the accuracy of the model. The results show that the calculated axial bearing capacity by using the model proposed is more accurate, which showed a higher reliability. The constraint ratio and fillet radius were positively correlated with the predicted values.
英文名 : Study on Axial Compression Bearing Capacity Model of Square Reinforcement Concrete Columns Confined by CFRP
刊期 : 2022年第10期
关键词 : 碳纤维布(CFRP);钢筋混凝土方柱;轴压承载力;预测模型
Key words : Carbon fiber reinforced plastics; Square reinforced concrete column; Reinforced concrete; Axial compression bearing capacity; Predictive model
刊期 : 2022年第10期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2022.10.049.05
文章编号 :
基金项目 :
作者 : 王帮康1,周 理1,2,郭 广1
单位 : 1.贵州大学 建筑与城市规划学院,贵州 贵阳 550003;2.贵州省山地人居智慧与绿色建造工程 研究中心,贵州 贵阳 550001

王帮康1,周 理1,2,郭 广1


摘   要:为精确预测碳纤维布(CFRP)约束混凝土方柱轴压承载力,考虑混凝土方柱中不同区域约束效应的差异,将承载力贡献项离散为四项(纵向钢筋、无侧限区混凝土、CFRP约束区混凝土、箍筋及CFRP共同约束区混凝土),基于此建立了CFRP约束混凝土方柱轴压承载力预测模型,并与收集的84个CFRP约束混凝土方柱试验数据进行了对比验证。结果表明:建立的模型用于预测CFRP约束混凝土方柱轴压承载力较其他模型更接近试验值,且可靠性较高;模型约束比和圆角半径与预测值呈正相关。

Abstract: In order to accurately predict the axial compression bearing capacity of square concrete columns restrained by carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP), taking the consideration of the difference in restraint effect of different regions of concrete columns. The contribution of the bearing capacity can be divided into 4 parts(the contributions of longitudinal reinforcement, unconfined concrete, concrete restrained by CFRP, and concrete restrained by CFRP and hooping). Based on the above assume, a new model of the axial compression bearing capacity of square concrete columns confined by CFRP was established. A total of 84 experimental data were collected, and were used to verify the accuracy of the model. The results show that the calculated axial bearing capacity by using the model proposed is more accurate, which showed a higher reliability. The constraint ratio and fillet radius were positively correlated with the predicted values.



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