张建彪1,杨永富2,张 哲1,季正军2,廖 莹3,葛 智4,庄培芝4
ZHANG J B,YANG Y F,ZHANG Z,et al.Experimental Study on Basic Properties of Self-compacting Concrete with Recycled Coarse Aggregate[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(11):89-92.
张建彪1,杨永富2,张 哲1,季正军2,廖 莹3,葛 智4,庄培芝4
ZHANG J B,YANG Y F,ZHANG Z,et al.Experimental Study on Basic Properties of Self-compacting Concrete with Recycled Coarse Aggregate[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(11):89-92.
摘 要:研究了再生粗骨料的取代率(0、15%、30%、50%)和预湿时长(0、2 h、24 h)对自密实混凝土工作性、力学性能和耐久性能的影响。结果表明:随着再生粗骨料取代率的增加,自密实混凝土的流动性明显降低,建议再生粗骨料取代率不宜超过30%;随着再生粗骨料取代率的增加,试件的28 d抗压、抗折和劈裂抗拉强度基本均呈先增大后减小的趋势;再生粗骨料的预湿时长对自密实混凝土的抗压、抗折和劈裂抗拉强度的影响不显著;自密实混凝土的弹性模量和抗氯离子渗透性能随着再生粗骨料取代率的增加而降低。
Abstract: The effects of the replacement rates(0, 15%, 30%, 50%) and pre-wetting time (0, 2 h, 24 h) of recycled coarse aggregate on the workability, mechanical properties and durability of self-compacting concrete were studied. The results show that with the increase of the replacement rate of recycled coarse aggregate, the fluidity of self-compacting concrete decreases significantly. It is suggested that the replacement rate of recycled coarse aggregate should not exceed 30%. With the increase of replacement rate of recycled coarse aggregate, the 28 d compressive strength, flexural strength and splitting tensile strength of the specimens basically increase first and then decrease. The pre-wetting time of recycled coarse aggregate has no significant effect on the compressive, flexural and splitting tensile strength of self-compacting concrete. The elastic modulus and chloride penetration resistance of self-compacting concrete decrease with the increase of the replacement rate of recycled coarse aggregate.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州