

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Effect of Aluminosilicate Clay on Performance of Ultra-high Performance Concrete
Ultra-high performance concrete; Clay; Fluidity; Rheological property; Stability
国家自然科学基金项目(51978318);国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (52008191)。
刘振川1,王 辉1,郑 渝1,班盛钧1,郑晓博2,3
1.中交路桥华南工程有限公司,广东 中山 528403;2.高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 211103;3.江苏苏博特新材料股份有限公司,江苏 南京 211103

刘振川1,王 辉1,郑 渝1,班盛钧1,郑晓博2,3


WANG H,ZHENG Y,BAN S J,et al.Effect of Aluminosilicate Clay on Performance of Ultra-high Performance Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(12):1-5.

摘   要:通过测试新拌UHPC的流动度、屈服应力、表观黏度、流变行为指数、坡度保持率、纤维分布系数,研究了铝硅酸盐黏土对UHPC流动性、流变性能、稳定性的影响。结果表明:该黏土能够大幅降低UHPC浆体的流动度,但其对UHPC流动度的影响只与掺量有关,而与所替代的胶凝材料种类无关;掺入黏土增大了UHPC的屈服应力与表观黏度,在2%掺量下,屈服应力和表观黏度分别提高了189.8%和114.0%;掺入黏土改善了浆体的流变性能,使其呈现剪切变稀现象;黏土改善了UHPC的稳定性,其硬化后的坡度保持率可达91.0%,纤维分散系数提升至0.88。 Abstract: By testing the fluidity, yield stress, apparent viscosity, rheological behavior index, slope retention rate and fiber distribution coefficient of fresh UHPC, the influence of aluminosilicate clay on the fluidity, rheological property and stability of UHPC was studied. The results show that the clay can greatly reduce the fluidity of UHPC paste, but its influence on the fluidity of UHPC paste is only related to the content of clay, and is independent of the type of cementitious material it replaces. The yield stress and apparent viscosity of UHPC are increased by 189.8% and 114.0% respectively with 2% clay content. The rheological property of the slurry is improved by adding clay, which makes it appear shear thinning phenomenon. Clay can improve the stability of UHPC, and the slope retention rate after hardening is 91.0%, and the fiber dispersion coefficient is increased to 0.88.
英文名 : Effect of Aluminosilicate Clay on Performance of Ultra-high Performance Concrete
刊期 : 2022年第12期
关键词 : 超高性能混凝土;黏土;流动性;流变性能;稳定性
Key words : Ultra-high performance concrete; Clay; Fluidity; Rheological property; Stability
刊期 : 2022年第12期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2022.12.001.04
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 国家自然科学基金项目(51978318);国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (52008191)。
作者 : 刘振川1,王 辉1,郑 渝1,班盛钧1,郑晓博2,3
单位 : 1.中交路桥华南工程有限公司,广东 中山 528403;2.高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 211103;3.江苏苏博特新材料股份有限公司,江苏 南京 211103

刘振川1,王 辉1,郑 渝1,班盛钧1,郑晓博2,3


WANG H,ZHENG Y,BAN S J,et al.Effect of Aluminosilicate Clay on Performance of Ultra-high Performance Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(12):1-5.


摘   要:通过测试新拌UHPC的流动度、屈服应力、表观黏度、流变行为指数、坡度保持率、纤维分布系数,研究了铝硅酸盐黏土对UHPC流动性、流变性能、稳定性的影响。结果表明:该黏土能够大幅降低UHPC浆体的流动度,但其对UHPC流动度的影响只与掺量有关,而与所替代的胶凝材料种类无关;掺入黏土增大了UHPC的屈服应力与表观黏度,在2%掺量下,屈服应力和表观黏度分别提高了189.8%和114.0%;掺入黏土改善了浆体的流变性能,使其呈现剪切变稀现象;黏土改善了UHPC的稳定性,其硬化后的坡度保持率可达91.0%,纤维分散系数提升至0.88。

Abstract: By testing the fluidity, yield stress, apparent viscosity, rheological behavior index, slope retention rate and fiber distribution coefficient of fresh UHPC, the influence of aluminosilicate clay on the fluidity, rheological property and stability of UHPC was studied. The results show that the clay can greatly reduce the fluidity of UHPC paste, but its influence on the fluidity of UHPC paste is only related to the content of clay, and is independent of the type of cementitious material it replaces. The yield stress and apparent viscosity of UHPC are increased by 189.8% and 114.0% respectively with 2% clay content. The rheological property of the slurry is improved by adding clay, which makes it appear shear thinning phenomenon. Clay can improve the stability of UHPC, and the slope retention rate after hardening is 91.0%, and the fiber dispersion coefficient is increased to 0.88.



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WANG H,ZHENG Y,BAN S J,et al.Effect of Aluminosilicate Clay on Performance of Ultra-high Performance Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(12):1-5.




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