

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Review on Printability of 3D Printed Concrete
3D printed concrete; Printability; Extrudability; Constructability; Evaluating indicator
汤寄予1,席义斌1,高丹盈1,杨 林1,尤培波2,房 栋1
1.郑州大学,河南 郑州450001;2.河南城建学院 土木与交通工程学院,河南 平顶山 467000

汤寄予1,席义斌1,高丹盈1,杨 林1,尤培波2,房 栋1


TANG J Y,XI Y B,GAO D Y,et al.Review on Printability of 3D Printed Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(12):18-23

摘   要:对国内外3D打印混凝土可打印性的研究现状进行了总结,分析了配合比和原材料组成对3D打印混凝土可打印性的影响,介绍了可打印性的评价方法,并对各评价方法进行了比较,给出了相关建议。 Abstract: The research status of 3D printed concrete printability at home and abroad is summarized. The influence of mix proportion and raw material composition on the printability of 3D printed concrete is analyzed. The evaluation methods of printability are introduced, and a comprehensive comparison and suggestions are made for each evaluation method.
英文名 : Review on Printability of 3D Printed Concrete
刊期 : 2022年第12期
关键词 : 3D打印混凝土;可打印性;可挤出性;可建造性;评价指标
Key words : 3D printed concrete; Printability; Extrudability; Constructability; Evaluating indicator
刊期 : 2022年第12期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2022.12.018.06
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 国家自然科学基金项目(52108207);河南省自然科学基金项目(212300410106)。
作者 : 汤寄予1,席义斌1,高丹盈1,杨 林1,尤培波2,房 栋1
单位 : 1.郑州大学,河南 郑州450001;2.河南城建学院 土木与交通工程学院,河南 平顶山 467000

汤寄予1,席义斌1,高丹盈1,杨 林1,尤培波2,房 栋1


TANG J Y,XI Y B,GAO D Y,et al.Review on Printability of 3D Printed Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(12):18-23


摘   要:对国内外3D打印混凝土可打印性的研究现状进行了总结,分析了配合比和原材料组成对3D打印混凝土可打印性的影响,介绍了可打印性的评价方法,并对各评价方法进行了比较,给出了相关建议。

Abstract: The research status of 3D printed concrete printability at home and abroad is summarized. The influence of mix proportion and raw material composition on the printability of 3D printed concrete is analyzed. The evaluation methods of printability are introduced, and a comprehensive comparison and suggestions are made for each evaluation method.



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TANG J Y,XI Y B,GAO D Y,et al.Review on Printability of 3D Printed Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(12):18-23




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