杨 俊1,谈嗣勇2,于 峰2,秦 尹2,崔克冉2,方 圆2,麦麦提·努尔麦麦提2
YANG J,TAN S Y,YU F,et al.Experimental Study on Mix Proportion Design of Desulfurized Ash Concrete Based on Quasi Horizontal Method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(1):91-94.
杨 俊1,谈嗣勇2,于 峰2,秦 尹2,崔克冉2,方 圆2,麦麦提·努尔麦麦提2
YANG J,TAN S Y,YU F,et al.Experimental Study on Mix Proportion Design of Desulfurized Ash Concrete Based on Quasi Horizontal Method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(1):91-94.
摘 要:采用拟水平法研究了脱硫灰掺量、粗骨料掺量和水胶比对脱硫灰混凝土抗压强度的影响。结果表明:水胶比对试件抗压强度的影响最显著,脱硫灰掺量次之,粗骨料掺量影响最小;随着水胶比的增加,试件的抗压强度下降;粗骨料掺量为0的试件抗压强度较粗骨料掺量为64%的试件低;随着脱硫灰掺量的增加,试件的抗压强度先增大后减小。脱硫灰混凝土的最佳配合比为:水胶比0.34、脱硫灰掺量20%、粗骨料掺量64%。
Abstract: The quasi horizontal method was used to study the influence of desulfurized ash content, coarse aggregate content and water-binder ratio on the compressive strength of desulfurized ash concrete. The results show that the water-binder ratio has the most significant effect on the compressive strength of the specimens, followed by the desulfurized ash content, and the coarse aggregate content has the least effect. With the increase of water-binder ratio, the compressive strength of the specimen decreases. The compressive strength of the specimen with 0 coarse aggregate content is lower than that of the specimen with 64% coarse aggregate content. With the increase of desulfurized ash content, the compressive strength of the specimen increases first and then decreases. The best mix proportion of desulfurization ash concrete is water-binder ratio of 0.34, desulfurized ash content of 20%, and coarse aggregate content of 64%.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州