张 平1,郑海康1,刘 洋1,古龙龙1,马旭东1,陈 旭2
张 平1,郑海康1,刘 洋1,古龙龙1,马旭东1,陈 旭2
摘 要:在胶凝材料总量、水胶比以及复合矿物掺合料总量不变的前提下,通过调整矿物掺合料(粉煤灰、矿粉)掺配比例,研究了温度匹配养护下大体积混凝土的抗压强度和耐久性能,并与标准养护下的性能测试结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:温度匹配养护显著加速了混凝土的水化进程,使粉煤灰、矿粉的化学活性较早地发挥出来,混凝土内部结构变得更为致密,在一定程度上改善了混凝土的抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能和抗氯离子渗透性能。
Abstract: Under the premise that the total amount of cementitious materials, water binder ratio and total amount of composite mineral admixtures remain unchanged, the compressive strength and durability of mass concrete under temperature matched curing were studied by adjusting the proportion of mineral admixtures(fly ash and mineral powder), and the results were compared with those under standard curing. The results show that temperature matched curing significantly accelerates the hydration process of concrete, makes the chemical activity of fly ash and mineral powder play out earlier, and the internal structure of concrete becomes more compact, which improves the sulfate corrosion resistance and chloride ion penetration resistance of concrete to a certain extent.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州