左咏梅1,郭章雷1,刘 牧2
ZUO Y M,GUO Z L,LIU M.Analysis of Determination Method of Cohesive Fracture Toughness of Concrete Based on Double-K Model[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(3):15-19.
左咏梅1,郭章雷1,刘 牧2
ZUO Y M,GUO Z L,LIU M.Analysis of Determination Method of Cohesive Fracture Toughness of Concrete Based on Double-K Model[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(3):15-19.
摘 要:总结了目前确定黏聚断裂韧度KIcc的多种方法,如高斯-切比雪夫积分法、等效力法、窄条断裂模型法、权函数法、简化格林函数法、实用插值法等,介绍了这些方法的使用步骤和结果精度,并对结果进行了对比分析。分析结果表明,虽然基于不同方法求解的混凝土黏聚断裂韧度KIcc略有误差,但仍能满足工程需求,可根据需求选择不同的方法求解。
Abstract: The current methods for determining the cohesive fracture toughness KIcc, such as Gauss-Chebyshev integration method, equivalent effectiveness method, narrow strip fracture model method, weight function method, simplified Green function method, practical interpolation method, and so on, are summarized, the procedures for using these various methods and the accuracy of the results are described and the results are compared and analyzed. The analyzed results show that the cohesive fracture toughness KIcc of concrete obtained by the different methods is slightly inaccurate, it still meets the needs of engineering use and can be solved by different methods depending on the needs.
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