梁天明1a,黄连磊1b,丁锡锋1b,崔 崇1b,李天君2
LIANG T M,HUANG L L,DING X F,et al.Study on the Flexural Behavior of Autoclaved Silicate Ceramsite Concrete Beams[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(3):45-50.
梁天明1a,黄连磊1b,丁锡锋1b,崔 崇1b,李天君2
LIANG T M,HUANG L L,DING X F,et al.Study on the Flexural Behavior of Autoclaved Silicate Ceramsite Concrete Beams[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(3):45-50.
摘 要:为探究新型蒸压硅酸盐陶粒在桥梁结构中应用的可行性,进行了蒸压硅酸盐陶粒混凝土梁的静力受弯试验,研究了梁的受力过程和变形规律,并分析了其正截面弯曲承载力以及挠度。结果表明:随着蒸压硅酸盐陶粒掺量的增加,混凝土梁的正截面抗弯承载力最大提升了20%;使用普通混凝土梁的计算公式对蒸压硅酸盐陶粒混凝土梁的承载力进行计算,得到的实测值均高于理论值,安全系数可达1.1倍以上;蒸压硅酸盐陶粒混凝土梁的裂缝发展和破坏规律与普通混凝土梁一致,可以安全地用于桥梁结构,减轻桥梁自重;采用现行规范中关于正截面受弯承载力和挠度的计算公式对蒸压硅酸盐陶粒混凝土梁进行设计,其结果安全可靠。
Abstract: In order to explore the application feasibility of new autoclaved silicate ceramsite in bridge structure, the static flexural tests of autoclaved lightweight aggregate concrete beams were carried out, the development of stress and deformation of autoclaved lightweight aggregate concrete beams were studied, and its normal section flexural bearing capacity and deflection were analyzed. The results show that with more autoclaved lightweight aggregates added into concrete beams, the normal section flexural bearing capacity of autoclaved lightweight aggregates concrete beam increase by up to 20%. Compared to theoretical values, which are calculated by formulas for ordinary concrete, the measured values of the deflection and the normal section flexural bearing capacity of ceramsite concrete beams are 1.1 times higher. According to the findings, autoclaved lightweight aggregate concrete beams can be used in bridge structures without risk and reduce the weight of bridges because the process of cracks propagation and beams collapsing are consistent with those of ordinary concrete beam. Additionally, the formula of normal section flexural bearing capacity and deflection in the current code is accurate enough for autoclaved lightweight aggregate concrete beams.
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