

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Effect of Auxiliary Vibration on Segregation of Self-Compacting Barite Concrete
Self-compacting barite concrete; Auxiliary vibration; Layered segregation rate; Vibration parameter
石建军,李竹静,张志恒,杨晓峰,颜 维,许新春,禹 博
南华大学 土木工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001

石建军,李竹静,张志恒,杨晓峰,颜 维,许新春,禹 博


SHI J J,LI Z J,ZHANG Z H,et al.Effect of Auxiliary Vibration on Segregation of Self-Compacting Barite Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(4):9-13.

摘   要:为了研究辅助振捣对自密实重晶石混凝土离析的影响,以振捣棒电压(70 V、85 V、100 V)、振捣时间(6 s、8 s、10 s)及插入深度(100 mm、200 mm、300 mm)三个因素设计了正交试验。在内径和深度均为300 mm的检测筒内进行分层离析试验,试验采用两种辅助振捣方式(第一种插拔静止状态下的振捣棒、第二种插拔振动状态下的振捣棒),并对结果进行了评价与分析。结果表明:采用第一种振捣方式时,电压70 V、振捣时间6 s、插入深度200 mm为最优振捣参数,自密实重晶石混凝土的离析最小;不同粒径粗骨料的离析有明显区别,粗骨料粒径越大,离析越大;采用相同振捣参数,第二种振捣方式比第一种振捣方式下的自密实重晶石混凝土离析更大。 Abstract: In order to study the effect of auxiliary vibration on segregation of self-compacting barite concrete, the orthogonal experiment was designed from three factors of poker vibrator voltages (70 V, 85 V, 100 V), vibration time (6 s, 8 s, 10 s) and vibration depths (100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm). The segregation test was carried out in three layers of mold with inner diameter and depth of 300 mm, and the results were analyzed and evaluated. Two methods of auxiliary vibration (the first method is keeping poker vibrator in static state when it is inserted and pulled and the second is in vibrating state) were adopted in the test. The results show that the optimal vibration parameters are voltage of 70 V, vibration time of 6 s and insertion depth of 200 mm when the first vibration method is adopted, and the segregation of self-compacting barite concrete is the smallest. The separation of coarse aggregates with different particle sizes has an apparent difference, and the larger the particle size of the aggregate, the greater the segregation. With the same vibration parameters, the segregation of self-compacting barite concrete in the second vibration method is greater than that in the first vibration method.
英文名 : Effect of Auxiliary Vibration on Segregation of Self-Compacting Barite Concrete
刊期 : 2023年第4期
关键词 : 自密实重晶石混凝土;辅助振捣;离析率;振捣参数
Key words : Self-compacting barite concrete; Auxiliary vibration; Layered segregation rate; Vibration parameter
刊期 : 2023年第4期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2023.04.009.05
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 湖南省科技厅重点研发计划项目(2015JC3090);湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(14JJ2083)。
作者 : 石建军,李竹静,张志恒,杨晓峰,颜 维,许新春,禹 博
单位 : 南华大学 土木工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001

石建军,李竹静,张志恒,杨晓峰,颜 维,许新春,禹 博


SHI J J,LI Z J,ZHANG Z H,et al.Effect of Auxiliary Vibration on Segregation of Self-Compacting Barite Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(4):9-13.


摘   要:为了研究辅助振捣对自密实重晶石混凝土离析的影响,以振捣棒电压(70 V、85 V、100 V)、振捣时间(6 s、8 s、10 s)及插入深度(100 mm、200 mm、300 mm)三个因素设计了正交试验。在内径和深度均为300 mm的检测筒内进行分层离析试验,试验采用两种辅助振捣方式(第一种插拔静止状态下的振捣棒、第二种插拔振动状态下的振捣棒),并对结果进行了评价与分析。结果表明:采用第一种振捣方式时,电压70 V、振捣时间6 s、插入深度200 mm为最优振捣参数,自密实重晶石混凝土的离析最小;不同粒径粗骨料的离析有明显区别,粗骨料粒径越大,离析越大;采用相同振捣参数,第二种振捣方式比第一种振捣方式下的自密实重晶石混凝土离析更大。

Abstract: In order to study the effect of auxiliary vibration on segregation of self-compacting barite concrete, the orthogonal experiment was designed from three factors of poker vibrator voltages (70 V, 85 V, 100 V), vibration time (6 s, 8 s, 10 s) and vibration depths (100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm). The segregation test was carried out in three layers of mold with inner diameter and depth of 300 mm, and the results were analyzed and evaluated. Two methods of auxiliary vibration (the first method is keeping poker vibrator in static state when it is inserted and pulled and the second is in vibrating state) were adopted in the test. The results show that the optimal vibration parameters are voltage of 70 V, vibration time of 6 s and insertion depth of 200 mm when the first vibration method is adopted, and the segregation of self-compacting barite concrete is the smallest. The separation of coarse aggregates with different particle sizes has an apparent difference, and the larger the particle size of the aggregate, the greater the segregation. With the same vibration parameters, the segregation of self-compacting barite concrete in the second vibration method is greater than that in the first vibration method.


(1)辅助振捣对自密实重晶石混凝土离析的影响较大。未振捣的自密实重晶石混凝土拌合物的分层离析率为1.06%,振捣后的分层离析率分布在5.30%~25.51%之间。振捣参数对自密实重晶石混凝土拌合物分层离析率的影响大小顺序为:电压A>插入深度C>振捣时间B。最优振捣参数为:A1B1C2,即电压70 V、振捣时间6 s、插入深度200 mm,此时自密实重晶石混凝土拌合物的离析率为5.30%。自密实重晶石混凝土拌合物的分层离析率随振捣时间和电压的增加而增加,随插入深度的增加先减少后增加,在插入深度100 mm处最大,200 mm处最小。
(2)不同粒径粗骨料的分层离析率区别明显,粗骨料粒径越大,离析越大。相同粒径粗骨料的分层离析率变化相对较小。振捣参数对不同粒径粗骨料分层离析率的影响大小顺序为:电压A>插入深度C>振捣时间B。各粒径粗骨料的分层离析率随电压增大而增大,随振捣时间的增大变化相对较小;5~16 mm粗骨料的分层离析率随插入深度增加先减小后增加,16~20 mm粗骨料的分层离析率随插入深度的增加而增加。

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SHI J J,LI Z J,ZHANG Z H,et al.Effect of Auxiliary Vibration on Segregation of Self-Compacting Barite Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(4):9-13.




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