何 牟1,孟祥杰2
HE M,MENG X J.Influence of Large Content of Limestone Powder on Performance of Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Product,2023(5):99-102.
何 牟1,孟祥杰2
HE M,MENG X J.Influence of Large Content of Limestone Powder on Performance of Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Product,2023(5):99-102.
摘 要:研究了石灰石粉的掺量(0、12%、18%、24%、28%、32%)对混凝土工作性、力学性能和抗碳化性能的影响。结果表明:石灰石粉的掺入对混凝土的7 d抗压强度不利,但复掺适量粉煤灰和石灰石粉可提高混凝土的14 d、28 d和130 d抗压强度;混凝土的碳化深度随着碳化时间的增加而增大,复掺适量的粉煤灰和石灰石粉,同时适当延长养护龄期,可保证混凝土的抗碳化性能基本不变,甚至提高,建议石灰石粉的掺量不超过18%。
Abstract: The influence of limestone powder content (0, 12%, 18%, 24%, 28%, 32%) on the workability, mechanical properties and carbonation resistance of concrete was studied. The results show that the limestone powder is unfavorable to the compressive strength of concrete at 7 days, but adding proper content of fly ash and limestone powder can improve the compressive strength of concrete at 14 days, 28 days and 130 days. The carbonation depth of concrete increases with the increase of carbonation time. Adding proper content of fly ash and limestone powder and properly extending the curing time can ensure that the carbonation resistance of concrete is basically unchanged or even improved. It is recommended that the content of limestone powder should not exceed 18%.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州