陈 宁,董庆广,王 娟
CHEN N,DONG Q G,WANG J.Research on the connection performance of the prefabricated concrete external wall insulation panel system[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(7):61-65.
陈 宁,董庆广,王 娟
CHEN N,DONG Q G,WANG J.Research on the connection performance of the prefabricated concrete external wall insulation panel system[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(7):61-65.
摘 要:为研究预制混凝土外墙保温板系统的连接安全性,开展了保温板与抹面砂浆、混凝土的拉伸黏结强度试验,并进行了不同锚固件(HY-80、HY-60和HY-40)反向拉拔力和变形特性研究。结果表明:乳液型界面剂可有效改善聚合物砂浆与保温板的相容性,相应界面黏结强度提升了约85%;保温板采用钢丝网构造加强措施有利于提高保温板与混凝土的界面黏结强度;HY-80和HY-60与HY-40不锈钢锚固件相比,其反向拉拔力分别提高了32.8%和20.0%,可有效提升预制混凝土外墙保温板系统的连接性能。
Abstract: In order to study the structural connection safety of the prefabricated concrete external wall insulation panel system, the tensile bond strength tests of the insulation panel surface mortar and concrete were carried out, and the reverse pull-out capacity and deformation characteristics of the anchors(HY-80, HY-60, HY-40) were analyzed. The results show that lotion type interfacial agent can effectively improve the compatibility of polymer mortar and silicone insulation panel, and the interfacial bonding strength is increased by 85%. At the same time, the insulation panel strengthened by steel mesh structure can improve of the bonding strength between the insulation panel and the concrete interface. Compared with HY-40 stainless steel anchors, using the HY-80 and HY-60 has 32.8% and 20.0% higher reverse pull-out force respectively, which can improve the connection performance of the prefabricated concrete external wall insulation panel system.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州