- 麻鹏飞,程宝军,高育欣,康升荣,涂玉林
摘 要:制备了一种以高性能纤维增强水泥基复合材料为壳体、泡沫混凝土为芯体的新型复合墙板,并对其力学性能、热工性能进行了研究。结果表明:随着纤维掺量的增加,复合墙板的3 d、7 d和28 d抗折强度明显增加,7 d和28 d抗折强度均能达到20 MPa以上,极限抗弯荷载系数为9.0;空心墙板的力学性能与复合墙板基本一致;空心墙板的传热系数较高,为3.20 W/(m2·K),复合墙板的传热系数最低,为0.82 W/(m2·K)。
Abstract: A new type of composite wallboard with high-performance fiber reinforced cement-based composite materials as the shell and foamed concrete as the core was prepared, and its mechanical and thermal properties were studied. The results show that with the increase of fiber content, the 3 d, 7 d and 28 d flexural strength of the composite wallboard obviously increase, and the 7 d and 28 d flexural strength can reach more than 20 MPa, and the ultimate flexural load coefficient is 9.0. The mechanical properties of hollow wallboard and composite wallboard are basically identical. The heat transfer coefficient of hollow wallboard is higher, which is 3.20 W/(m2·K), and the heat transfer coefficient of composite wallboard is the lowest, which is 0.82 W/(m2·K).
MA P F,CHENG B J,GAO Y X,et al.Experimental Study on Properties of High-performance Fiber Reinforced Cement-based Composites and Wall Products[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(7):47-51.