

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Influence of polycarboxylate superplasticizer on electrical resistivity of cement paste
Polycarboxylate superplasticizer; Electrical resistivity; Flocculation structure; Fresh cement paste; Hydration
左彦峰1,2,姚 越1,2,宋天威1,2
1.中国地震局建筑物破坏机理与防御重点实验室,河北 廊坊 065201;2.防灾科技学院 土木工程 学院,河北 廊坊 065201

左彦峰1,2,姚 越1,2,宋天威1,2


ZUO Y F,YAO Y,SONG T W.Influence of polycarboxylate superplasticizer on electrical resistivity of cement paste[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):10-14.

摘   要:采用非接触电阻率测定仪测定了掺聚羧酸高性能减水剂(PC)水泥浆体的电阻率。结果表明:在水化早期(<800 min),掺入PC的水泥浆体电阻率较空白组低,之后PC掺量较低(0.05%)的水泥浆体电阻率超过了空白组,1 160 min后,PC掺量0.15%的水泥浆体电阻率也超过了PC掺量0.10%的水泥浆体,且继续增加PC掺量,水泥浆体的电阻率下降;增加PC掺量可以延后水泥浆体的电阻率变化率峰值的出现;在溶解阶段(约0~120 min)中,随PC掺量的增加,电阻率的变化率逐渐下降,水泥水化的瞬时电阻率先增加后降低;掺PC的水泥浆体电阻率最低点出现时间逐渐延长,掺入PC后,0~40 min内水泥浆体瞬时电阻率变化率的绝对值增加。 Abstract: The electrical resistivity of cement pastes with polycarboxylate superplasticizer (PC) was measured by non-contacted electrical resistivity measurement. The results show that in the early stage of hydration(<800 min), the electrical resistivity of the cement paste added with PC is lower than that of the blank group. Afterwards, the electrical resistivity of the cement paste with a lower PC content(0.05%) exceeds that of the blank group. After 1 160 min, the electrical resistivity of the cement paste with a PC content of 0.15% also exceeds that of the cement paste with a PC content of 0.10%. Further increasing the PC content resultes in a decrease in the electrical resistivity of the cement paste. Increasing the content of PC can delay the appearance of the peak of the electrical resistivity change rate of cement paste. During the dissolution stage(about 0~120 min), with the increase of PC content, the rate of change in electrical resistivity gradually decreases, and the instantaneous resistance of cement hydration first increases and then decreases. The time for the lowest point of electrical resistivity of cement paste mixed with PC gradually prolongs, and the absolute value of the change rate of  instantaneous electrical resistivity of cement paste after adding PC during 0~40 min.
英文名 : Influence of polycarboxylate superplasticizer on electrical resistivity of cement paste
刊期 : 2023年第8期
关键词 : 聚羧酸高性能减水剂;电阻率;絮凝结构;新拌水泥浆体;水化
Key words : Polycarboxylate superplasticizer; Electrical resistivity; Flocculation structure; Fresh cement paste; Hydration
刊期 : 2023年第8期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2023.08.010.05
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 中央高校基本科研基金项目(ZY20190101)。
作者 : 左彦峰1,2,姚 越1,2,宋天威1,2
单位 : 1.中国地震局建筑物破坏机理与防御重点实验室,河北 廊坊 065201;2.防灾科技学院 土木工程 学院,河北 廊坊 065201

左彦峰1,2,姚 越1,2,宋天威1,2


ZUO Y F,YAO Y,SONG T W.Influence of polycarboxylate superplasticizer on electrical resistivity of cement paste[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):10-14.


摘   要:采用非接触电阻率测定仪测定了掺聚羧酸高性能减水剂(PC)水泥浆体的电阻率。结果表明:在水化早期(<800 min),掺入PC的水泥浆体电阻率较空白组低,之后PC掺量较低(0.05%)的水泥浆体电阻率超过了空白组,1 160 min后,PC掺量0.15%的水泥浆体电阻率也超过了PC掺量0.10%的水泥浆体,且继续增加PC掺量,水泥浆体的电阻率下降;增加PC掺量可以延后水泥浆体的电阻率变化率峰值的出现;在溶解阶段(约0~120 min)中,随PC掺量的增加,电阻率的变化率逐渐下降,水泥水化的瞬时电阻率先增加后降低;掺PC的水泥浆体电阻率最低点出现时间逐渐延长,掺入PC后,0~40 min内水泥浆体瞬时电阻率变化率的绝对值增加。

Abstract: The electrical resistivity of cement pastes with polycarboxylate superplasticizer (PC) was measured by non-contacted electrical resistivity measurement. The results show that in the early stage of hydration(<800 min), the electrical resistivity of the cement paste added with PC is lower than that of the blank group. Afterwards, the electrical resistivity of the cement paste with a lower PC content(0.05%) exceeds that of the blank group. After 1 160 min, the electrical resistivity of the cement paste with a PC content of 0.15% also exceeds that of the cement paste with a PC content of 0.10%. Further increasing the PC content resultes in a decrease in the electrical resistivity of the cement paste. Increasing the content of PC can delay the appearance of the peak of the electrical resistivity change rate of cement paste. During the dissolution stage(about 0~120 min), with the increase of PC content, the rate of change in electrical resistivity gradually decreases, and the instantaneous resistance of cement hydration first increases and then decreases. The time for the lowest point of electrical resistivity of cement paste mixed with PC gradually prolongs, and the absolute value of the change rate of  instantaneous electrical resistivity of cement paste after adding PC during 0~40 min.


(1)在水化时间小于800 min时,掺PC的水泥浆体电阻率随PC掺量的增加而降低;随着水化时间的延长,PC掺量较低(0.05%)的水泥浆体由于分散作用导致其电阻率超过空白组,PC掺量0.15%的水泥浆体电阻率后期也超过了PC掺量0.10%的水泥浆体;继续增加PC掺量,水泥浆体的电阻率降低。
(3)在溶解阶段(约0~120 min)时,随着PC掺量的增加,水泥浆体的电阻率变化率下降,水泥刚与水充分接触时的瞬时电阻率先增加后降低,电阻率最低点出现时间逐渐延长,掺入PC后,0~40 min内水泥浆体瞬时电阻率变化率的绝对值增加。

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ZUO Y F,YAO Y,SONG T W.Influence of polycarboxylate superplasticizer on electrical resistivity of cement paste[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):10-14.




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