王松岩,赵 健,焦 红*
WANG S Y,ZHAO J,JIAO H.Study on performance of fine stone grouting material for structural repair after high temperature [J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):26-30,36.
王松岩,赵 健,焦 红*
WANG S Y,ZHAO J,JIAO H.Study on performance of fine stone grouting material for structural repair after high temperature [J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):26-30,36.
摘 要:为了研究结构修补用细石灌浆料高温后的性能,试验分析了不同温度(200、400、600、800、1 000 ℃)、不同冷却方式(自然冷却、浸水冷却)对细石灌浆料表观状态变化、质量损失、强度损失的影响规律,建立了温度与质量损失、温度与残余抗压强度的函数关系式。结果表明:在200~1 000 ℃高温后,试件的颜色由灰色变至黄白色,温度越高,试件表面裂纹越严重;温度的升高以及高温持续时间的延长会导致试件质量损失以及强度损失的加剧;当温度为200 ℃时,两种冷却方式的抗压强度基本一致,升高至400 ℃及以上时,自然冷却试件的抗压强度高于浸水冷却;基于试验数据建立的拟合关系式的拟合效果较好。
Abstract: In order to study the performance of fine stone grouting material for structural repair after high temperature, the influence of different temperatures(200、400、600、800、1 000 ℃) and cooling methods (free cooling, immersion cooling) on the apparent state change, mass loss and strength loss of fine stone grouting material was discussed, and the functional relationships between temperature and mass loss, temperature and residual compressive strength were established. The results show that after experiencing temperatures ranging from 200 ℃ to 1 000 ℃, the color of the specimen changes from gray to yellow white, and the higher the temperature, the more severe the surface cracks on the specimen. The increase in temperature and the prolongation of high temperature duration can lead to an intensification of the loss of specimen mass and strength. At 200 ℃, the compressive strength of the two cooling methods is basically the same. At 400 ℃ and above, the compressive strength of the free cooling specimen is higher than that of the immersion cooling specimen. The fitting relationship established based on experimental datas has a good degree of fitting.
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