- 吕帅灵1,商涛平2,王洪新1,2,宋卿卿2
摘 要:为了解决正交异性钢桥面的疲劳破坏病害,提出了一种基于免蒸养超高性能混凝土(UHPC)的钢桥面组合结构,结合实际工程给出了栓钉布置和钢筋间距的优化方案,总结了适用于钢桥面铺装的UHPC材料性能指标;对于大面积摊铺问题,设计了UHPC专用铺装施工设备,并进行了工艺性试验;通过有限元模拟分析了润扬大桥不同铺装体系下的变形情况,并与实桥监测数据进行了对比。结果表明:免蒸养UHPC结合完善的养护工艺能够抑制早期收缩裂缝的产生与发展;UHPC铺装相较于原环氧沥青混凝土铺装,钢桥面板的最大拉应变下降了53.3%,最大肋间相对挠度下降了42%;UHPC铺装能大幅提高桥面系的刚度,降低正交异性钢桥面板和铺装层的疲劳开裂风险。
Abstract: In order to solve the fatigue damage of orthotropic steel bridge deck, a composite structure of steel bridge deck based on non-steam curing ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) was proposed. According to the supporting project, the optimization scheme of stud arrangement and reinforcement spacing was proposed, and the performance indexes of UHPC material suitable for steel bridge deck pavement were summarized. For the large-area paving problem, the special paving construction equipment for UHPC was designed and the process was carried out. The deformation of Runyang Bridge under different pavement systems was analyzed by finite element method, and compared with the monitoring data of real bridge. The results show that non-steam curing UHPC combined with perfect curing technology can control the generation and development of early shrinkage cracks. Compared with the original epoxy asphalt concrete pavement, the maximum tensile strain of steel deck is reduced by 53.3%, and the maximum relative deflection between ribs is reduced by 42%. UHPC pavement system can greatly improve the stiffness of bridge deck system, and reduce the risk of fatigue cracking of orthotropic steel deck and pavement insurance.
LYU S L,SHANG T P,WANG H X,et al.Research on Repair Technology of Existing Steel-UHPC Composite Bridge Deck[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(7):88-92.