杨 飞1,吕 凯2,周 伟1,曾志勇3,杨淑娟2,王 战1,李 康1,张 勇2
YANG F,LYU K,ZHOU W,et al.Synthesis and performance of shrinkage reducing polycarboxylate superplasticizer[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(9):36-40.
杨 飞1,吕 凯2,周 伟1,曾志勇3,杨淑娟2,王 战1,李 康1,张 勇2
YANG F,LYU K,ZHOU W,et al.Synthesis and performance of shrinkage reducing polycarboxylate superplasticizer[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(9):36-40.
摘 要:自主研发合成了一种减缩型聚羧酸减水剂(SRPCE),研究了掺SRPCE的胶砂和混凝土的性能,并通过表面张力分析,阐述了SRPCE影响混凝土收缩性能的作用机理。结果表明:SRPCE可以有效地降低胶砂和混凝土的收缩,提高混凝土的减水率和强度。
Abstract: A shrinkage reducing polycarboxylate superplasticizer(SRPCE) was developed and synthetized, and the properties of mortar and concrete mixed with SRPCE were studied. The mechanism of SRPCE affecting the shrinkage performance of concrete was elucidated through surface tension analysis. The results indicate that SRPCE can effectively reduce the shrinkage of mortar and concrete, and improve the water reduction rate and strength of concrete.
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