李新星1,2,周 泉1,2,李水生1,2
LI X X,ZHOU Q,LI S S.Flexural behavior of fabricated concrete beams with staggered rebars connection based on UHPC[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(9):47-53.
基于UHPC-钢筋错位连接的预制装配式 混凝土梁抗弯性能研究
李新星1,2,周 泉1,2,李水生1,2
LI X X,ZHOU Q,LI S S.Flexural behavior of fabricated concrete beams with staggered rebars connection based on UHPC[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(9):47-53.
摘 要:提出了一种适用于预制装配式混凝土梁的UHPC-钢筋错位连接节点形式,试制了1根现浇混凝土梁和2根预制混凝土梁试件,通过抗弯性能对比试验,研究了钢筋错位搭接长度(10d、15d)对试件抗弯性能的影响,并采用ABAQUS有限元软件对试件进行了抗弯性能分析。结果表明:UHPC-错位钢筋节点未出现开裂,破坏过程与现浇混凝土梁相似,均为适筋破坏,错位钢筋未发生屈服和黏结滑移; 当搭接长度为10d时,预制混凝土梁的极限承载力和延性基本等同现浇结构;增大搭接长度(15d)对开裂弯矩影响不明显,极限弯矩提高较明显;根据相关规范,建议实际工程中错位钢筋搭接长度取10d;ABAQUS有限元数值模拟结果与试验结果吻合程度较高。
Abstract: A joint connection form for fabricated concrete beams between UHPC-staggered rebars was proposed, a cast-in-situ concrete beam and two fabricated concrete beams(overlapping length of 10d and 15d respectively) were produced. The influence of different overlapping length on the flexural behavior of the fabricated concrete beams was analyzed. And the flexural behavior of the specimens was analyzed by using ABAQUS finite element software. The results show that there is no crack at the connection joint, and the failure process of which is similar to that of the cast-in-situ concrete beams, all of them are damaged by suitable reinforcement, and the staggered rebars do not yield and bond slip. When the overlapping length is 10d, the ultimate bearing capacity and ductility of the prefabricated beams are basically equal to those of the cast-in-situ concrete beams. Increasing the overlapping length has no obvious effect on the cracking moment, but the ultimate moment can be increased obviously. According to relevant regulations, the overlapping length of the staggered rebar in the actual project is suggested as 10d. The numerical simulation results based on ABAQUS are in good agreement with the experimental results.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州