- 万夫雄, 鲁继宣,田尚理,游 用,郭荣鑫
摘 要:为更广泛了解碱矿渣水泥耐高温性能,选用水玻璃和氢氧化钠分别激发昆钢矿渣,探究两种激发剂作用下碱矿渣水泥高温劣化程度,以及在不同碱含量、不同水胶比和不同水玻璃模数时强度随温度的变化规律。实验结果表明,两种碱激发昆钢矿渣水泥随着温度升高强度均较大幅度降低,耐高温性能不佳。在两种激发剂分别作用下,不同碱含量时常温强度越高的碱矿渣水泥高温强度降幅均越大,不同水胶比时碱矿渣水泥高温强度降低幅度均与温度区段相关。在水玻璃为激发剂作用下,水玻璃模数越大,碱矿渣水泥高温强度降幅越小。在相同碱含量和水胶比下,水玻璃激发昆钢矿渣水泥耐高温性能明显好于氢氧化钠激发。
Abstract: In order to understande the comprehensively high temperature-resistance performance of Alkali-activated Slag (AAS), Water Glass (WG) and Sodium Hydroxide (SH) are used to activate slag from Kunming Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd (KIS), high-temperature deterioration degree of AAS by the two activators, and the law of compressive strength varying with temperature for different alkali content, water-binder ratio and WG modules are studied. Experimental result shows that the strength of AAS from KIS has a great drop with high temperature increasing, and has not good temperature-resistance performance. For AAS with different alkali content, the higher the strength at room temperature, the more sharperly the strength declines at high temperature. For AAS with different water-binder ratio, the degree of the strength declining is related to temperature. The bigger the WG moduleis, the better temperature-resistance performance of AAS is. At the case of the same alkali content and water-binder ratio, temperature-resistance performance of AAS by WG is better than that by SH.
WAN F X,LU J X,TIAN S L,et al.Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Alkali-activate Slag (AAS) Cement from Kunming Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.after High Temperature[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2018(3):101-104.