王彦涛,单海燕,逄 玲
王彦涛,单海燕,逄玲.22.6 m大直径沉井式车库用预制混凝土管片的模具设计与试制[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(10):43-45.
WANG Y T,SHAN H Y,PANG L.Mold design and trial production of prefabricated concrete segments for 22.6 m large diameter open caisson garage[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(10):43-45.
22.6 m大直径沉井式车库用预制混凝土管片的模具设计与试制
王彦涛,单海燕,逄 玲
王彦涛,单海燕,逄玲.22.6 m大直径沉井式车库用预制混凝土管片的模具设计与试制[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(10):43-45.
WANG Y T,SHAN H Y,PANG L.Mold design and trial production of prefabricated concrete segments for 22.6 m large diameter open caisson garage[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(10):43-45.
摘 要:根据智慧地下停车库项目的具体技术要求,设计了22.6 m大直径沉井式车库用预制混凝土管片模具,采用有限元软件对模具进行了受力分析,通过振源分析确定了振动器数量、位置,并进行了管片试制。工程试制结果表明:用该模具生产的管片强度、精度等指标均满足工程设计要求,可为相关工程提供参考。
Abstract: Based on the specific technical requirements of the smart underground parking garage project, the precast concrete pipe segment mold for the 22.6 m large diameter open casison garage was designed. The stress analysis of the mold was carried out by using finite element software, and the number and position of vibrators were determined through vibration source analysis, and the trial production of the segments was conducted. The engineering trial production results show that the strength, accuracy, and other indexes of the segments produced with this mold meet the engineering design requirements, which can provide reference for the related projects.
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