LI S X,ZHENG C L,JIN B H,et al.Study on mechanical properties of basalt fiber reinforced recycled concrete under triaxial compression[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(11):52-56,61.
LI S X,ZHENG C L,JIN B H,et al.Study on mechanical properties of basalt fiber reinforced recycled concrete under triaxial compression[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(11):52-56,61.
摘 要:研究了再生粗骨料替代率(0~100%)、玄武岩纤维(BF)体积掺量(0~0.2%)、侧向围压(0~9 MPa)对混凝土三向受压力学性能的影响,并建立了玄武岩纤维再生混凝土(BFRAC)的三向受压强度模型。结果表明:随着再生粗骨料替代率的增加,试件的峰值应力、峰值应变总体呈降低趋势;掺入适量BF可以有效提高试件的峰值应力和峰值应变,但在较高侧向围压下,BF对BFRAC的增强作用较小;随着侧向围压的增大,试件的破坏形态由竖向劈裂破坏转为斜向剪切破坏,峰值应力及峰值应变增大;基于八面体应力空间破坏准则和Rendulic平面破坏准则建立的BFRAC三向受压强度模型的精度均较高。
Abstract: The effects of recycled coarse aggregate substitution rate(0~100%), volume content(0~0.2%) of basalt fiber(BF), and lateral confining pressure(0~9 MPa) on the triaxial compression performance of concrete were studied, and the triaxial compressive strength model of basalt fiber reinforced recycled concrete(BFRAC) was established. The results show that with the increase of the substitution rate of recycled coarse aggregate, the peak stress and peak strain of the specimen generally show a decreasing trend. Adding an appropriate content of BF can effectively increase the peak stress and peak strain of the specimen, but under higher lateral confining pressure, BF has a smaller strengthening effect on BFRAC. As the lateral confining pressure increases, the failure mode of the specimen changes from vertical splitting failure to oblique shear failure, and the peak stress and peak strain increase. The triaxial compressive strength models of BFRAC established based on the octahedral stress space failure criterion and the Rendulic plane failure criterion have high accuracy.
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