邱昕玥,邵永健*,谢 强
QIU X Y,SHAO Y J,XIE Q.Research on seismic performance of cross-section shaped steel reinforced concrete composite columns[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(11):67-72.
邱昕玥,邵永健*,谢 强
QIU X Y,SHAO Y J,XIE Q.Research on seismic performance of cross-section shaped steel reinforced concrete composite columns[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(11):67-72.
摘 要:为研究配箍率、箍筋连接方式、有无栓钉对十字型钢混凝土复合柱抗震性能的影响,对5根十字型钢钢骨混凝土复合柱(SSRCZ)和1根钢筋混凝土柱(RCZ)进行了拟静力试验,分析了压弯剪扭作用下试件的破坏形态、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、特征点参数及受扭等效黏滞阻尼系数,并推导了受扭承载力计算公式。结果表明:6个试件均发生了受扭破坏,SSRCZ试件的抗震性能优于RCZ试件,试件的扭矩-扭率曲线均呈捏拢“S”形;增大配箍率对SSRCZ试件抗震性能的影响并不明显;采用焊接箍筋能有效提升试件的延性和耗能能力;配置栓钉对SSRCZ试件受扭承载力和受扭耗能能力有一定程度提升,但其延性有一定程度降低。
Abstract: To study the influence of reinforcement ratio, stirrup connection method, and the presence or absence of bolts on the seismic performance of cross-section sharped steel reinforced concrete composite columns, the pseudo static tests were conducted on 5 cross-section sharped steel reinforced concrete composite columns (SSRCZ) and 1 reinforced concrete comparison column(RCZ). The failure mode, hysteresis curve, skeleton curve, characteristic point parameters and equivalent viscous damping coefficient of the specimens under compression bending shear torsion were analyzed, and the formula for calculating the torsional bearing capacity was derived. The results show that all 6 specimens have undergone torsional failure, and the seismic performance of SSRCZ specimens is better than that of RCZ specimens. The torque torsion ratio curve of the specimens shows a pinched "S" shape. The effect of increasing the reinforcement ratio on the seismic performance of SSRCZ specimens is not significant. The use of welded stirrups can effectively improve the ductility and energy consumption capacity of the specimen. The torsional bearing capacity and torsional energy dissipation capacity of SSRCZ specimens equipped with bolts are improved to a certain extent, but their ductility are reduced to a certain extent.
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