

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Research on evaluation system of engineering performance of cementitious materials for building 3D printing
Construction 3D printing; Cementitious material; Printability; Mechanical property; Evaluation system
刘 昶,王章琼*,苏亮亮,冷 晗,田 宇
武汉工程大学 土木工程与建筑学院,湖北 武汉 430074

刘 昶,王章琼*,苏亮亮,冷 晗,田 宇


LIU C,WANG Z Q,SU L L,et al.Research on evaluation system of engineering performance of cementitious materials for building 3D printing[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(12):28-33.

摘   要:在相关研究的基础上归纳总结了建筑3D打印胶凝材料的工程性能,包括可打印性、力学性能等,其中,可打印性包括流动性、可挤出性、可建造性、凝结时间、一次打印长度、挤出形态质量等;力学性能包括抗折强度与抗压强度。此外,选取可打印性与力学性能所包含的指标作为影响因子,利用层次分析法确定了因子权重,提出了因子赋值标准及评价结果分级标准,建立了建筑3D打印胶凝材料的工程性能评价体系,并设计正交试验计算性能指标值,对材料的工程性能进行了评价,可为3D打印胶凝材料工程性能相关研究提供参考。 Abstract: Based on previous studies, the engineering performance of cementitious materials for building 3D printing was summarized, including printability and mechanical properties, etc. Printability includes fluidity, extrudability, constructability, setting time, the length of a print and extrusion shape quality, etc. The mechanical properties includes bending strength and compressive strength. In addition, the indicators including printability and mechanical properties were selected as influencing factors, and the factor weights were determined by using analytic hierarchy process. The factor assignment criteria and evaluation result grading criteria were proposed, and the engineering performance evaluation system of cementitious materials for building 3D printing was established. Orthogonal test was designed to calculate the performance index value, and the engineering performance of materials was evaluated, providing a reference for the engineering performance related research of 3D printing cementitious materials.
英文名 : Research on evaluation system of engineering performance of cementitious materials for building 3D printing
刊期 : 2023年第12期
关键词 : 建筑3D打印;胶凝材料;可打印性;力学性能;评价体系
Key words : Construction 3D printing; Cementitious material; Printability; Mechanical property; Evaluation system
刊期 : 2023年第12期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2023.12.028.06
文章编号 :
基金项目 :
作者 : 刘 昶,王章琼*,苏亮亮,冷 晗,田 宇
单位 : 武汉工程大学 土木工程与建筑学院,湖北 武汉 430074

刘 昶,王章琼*,苏亮亮,冷 晗,田 宇


LIU C,WANG Z Q,SU L L,et al.Research on evaluation system of engineering performance of cementitious materials for building 3D printing[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(12):28-33.


摘   要:在相关研究的基础上归纳总结了建筑3D打印胶凝材料的工程性能,包括可打印性、力学性能等,其中,可打印性包括流动性、可挤出性、可建造性、凝结时间、一次打印长度、挤出形态质量等;力学性能包括抗折强度与抗压强度。此外,选取可打印性与力学性能所包含的指标作为影响因子,利用层次分析法确定了因子权重,提出了因子赋值标准及评价结果分级标准,建立了建筑3D打印胶凝材料的工程性能评价体系,并设计正交试验计算性能指标值,对材料的工程性能进行了评价,可为3D打印胶凝材料工程性能相关研究提供参考。

Abstract: Based on previous studies, the engineering performance of cementitious materials for building 3D printing was summarized, including printability and mechanical properties, etc. Printability includes fluidity, extrudability, constructability, setting time, the length of a print and extrusion shape quality, etc. The mechanical properties includes bending strength and compressive strength. In addition, the indicators including printability and mechanical properties were selected as influencing factors, and the factor weights were determined by using analytic hierarchy process. The factor assignment criteria and evaluation result grading criteria were proposed, and the engineering performance evaluation system of cementitious materials for building 3D printing was established. Orthogonal test was designed to calculate the performance index value, and the engineering performance of materials was evaluated, providing a reference for the engineering performance related research of 3D printing cementitious materials.



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LIU C,WANG Z Q,SU L L,et al.Research on evaluation system of engineering performance of cementitious materials for building 3D printing[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(12):28-33.




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