

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Research progress on performance of recycled fine aggregate concrete
Recycled fine aggregate; Concrete; Workability; Mechanical property; Durability
陈春红1,2,俞 江1,刘荣桂2,*,朱平华1,王 磊1,伍金龙1,陈云春1
1.常州大学 城市建设学院,江苏 常州 213164;2.江苏大学 土木工程与力学学院,江苏 镇江 212013

陈春红1,2,俞 江1,刘荣桂2,*,朱平华1,王 磊1,伍金龙1,陈云春1


CHEN C H,YU J,LIU R G,et al.Research progress on performance of recycled fine aggregate concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(1):94-99.

摘   要:合理使用再生细骨料(以下简称RFA)可同时解决建筑垃圾的资源化利用问题和天然砂、石过度开采引起的环境问题。介绍了RFA的颗粒形状、空隙率、吸水率、有害物质含量等性能,总结了RFA的性能强化措施,综述了再生细骨料混凝土(以下简称RFAC)的工作性、力学性能和耐久性能,并对其机理进行了分析,可为RFA的进一步推广应用提供参考。 Abstract: The rational use of recycled fine aggregate(RFA) can simultaneously solve the problem of resource utilization of construction waste and environmental problems caused by excessive exploitation of natural sand and stone. The particle shape, porosity, water absorption and harmful substance content of RFA are introduced, and the performance strengthening measures of RFA are summarized. The workability, mechanical properties and durability of recycled fine aggregate concrete(RFAC) are summarized, and its mechanism is analyzed, which can provide a reference for the further promotion and application of RFA.
英文名 : Research progress on performance of recycled fine aggregate concrete
刊期 : 2024年第1期
关键词 : 再生细骨料;混凝土;工作性;力学性能;耐久性能
Key words : Recycled fine aggregate; Concrete; Workability; Mechanical property; Durability
刊期 : 2024年第1期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2024.01.094.06
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 国家自然科学基金项目(52108190、51778272、51278073);江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(KYCX23_3097)。
作者 : 陈春红1,2,俞 江1,刘荣桂2,*,朱平华1,王 磊1,伍金龙1,陈云春1
单位 : 1.常州大学 城市建设学院,江苏 常州 213164;2.江苏大学 土木工程与力学学院,江苏 镇江 212013

陈春红1,2,俞 江1,刘荣桂2,*,朱平华1,王 磊1,伍金龙1,陈云春1


CHEN C H,YU J,LIU R G,et al.Research progress on performance of recycled fine aggregate concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(1):94-99.


摘   要:合理使用再生细骨料(以下简称RFA)可同时解决建筑垃圾的资源化利用问题和天然砂、石过度开采引起的环境问题。介绍了RFA的颗粒形状、空隙率、吸水率、有害物质含量等性能,总结了RFA的性能强化措施,综述了再生细骨料混凝土(以下简称RFAC)的工作性、力学性能和耐久性能,并对其机理进行了分析,可为RFA的进一步推广应用提供参考。

Abstract: The rational use of recycled fine aggregate(RFA) can simultaneously solve the problem of resource utilization of construction waste and environmental problems caused by excessive exploitation of natural sand and stone. The particle shape, porosity, water absorption and harmful substance content of RFA are introduced, and the performance strengthening measures of RFA are summarized. The workability, mechanical properties and durability of recycled fine aggregate concrete(RFAC) are summarized, and its mechanism is analyzed, which can provide a reference for the further promotion and application of RFA.



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CHEN C H,YU J,LIU R G,et al.Research progress on performance of recycled fine aggregate concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(1):94-99.




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